Allen x Reader - AU Family

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||A/N: Okay so...I tried my best to make this cute, hope you  guys like it either way though! Btw forgive me for any wrongful  spelling, but again like I said I hope you guys like this one shot  either way!||

Marrying your high school  sweetheart was something not everyone got but most dream of, you were  lucky enough to have that. Allen had proposed to you a few months after  you both finished college and had gotten your own home.

Being  married to him for about two years and being known as (Y/N) Walker now  was the best thing ever happened....that is until you found out one more  thing that was even more amazing.

You were pregnant.

Since  you were feeling sick for a long time now and the time line linked to  where you and Allen were intamiate a while ago it was only fair to  check, so before you arrived home from work you grabbed some tests and  did a few.

Considering you had to wait a bit you took a quick  shower and once you got out, you checked them all. All of them were  positive...proving the fact that you were indeed pregnant with Allen's  baby.

Smiling you then thought of what way you could tell him,  sure you and Allen were trying for a baby for a while and now that your  small family you two wanted was soon to happen you were overjoyed.

Calling  it a night you decided that since tomorrow was your day off you'd tell  him then, though you had to hide the tests, doing so you walked out  acting like nothing happened and soon joined Allen on your bed.

"You alright?" Allen asked.
"Yeah, I believe I'm better then ever." You smiled.
"Good, you had me worried. I don't like it when my beautiful wife is sick." Allen says, kissing your forehead.
"I'm fine, really." You giggled.

Smiling you both shared a kiss before nuzzling to one another and falling asleep for the night.

**The Next Day**

Since  you woke up first you let Allen sleep in and quickly got dressed,  walking down the stairs as silent as you could, out the front door and  in your car to the mall to buy a baby onesie and other things.

It  took a few minutes but you soon arrived at the mall parking lot,  parking you couldn't stop smiling as you entered the large building and  went straight into the clothing store, passing a few places then noticed  the baby area.

"Okay...let's look for something to tell your daddy your arriving soon." You muttered.

As  you looked around you tired to find some sort of onsie that would fit  it, as you were looking a kind women working at the place approached  you.

"Hi, you looking for something?" The lady asked.
"Yeah, I need something cute to tell my husband....were expecting." You smiled.
"Congratulations, well we do have some cute looking ones here." She smiled.

She  lead you to a table where some onsies were at and one caught your eye,  it was an adorable onesie in the color of white and blue on the chest  says 'I can't wait to meet you daddy'. When you saw that you knew it was  perfect.

"I think I'll take one of these." You said.
"Cute one it is, okay then." The Lady says.

After  buying the onesie you soon went ahead to go buy a bag and a bit of some  paper to place inside the bag in order for Allen not to see, after  everything was bought you walked back to your car and wrapped the onsie  in the paper a bit after folding it where the words were easy to see.  then you placed it in the small bag and used the rest to cover it along  with the tests inside.

Driving back was making you nervous  sure you knew he would be happy, you two were hoping for this time to  come where you two could have the family you both talked about for quite  a while now. And in fact you knew Allen would be a wonderful father, he  is so gentle and kind to children and just thinking of him with both of  yours made your heart sore with happiness.

Oh you couldn't wait to tell him.

**Small Time Skip**

Entering  the home you were greeted by Allen who sighed in relief, apparently  when he couldn't find you in the house once he woke up he got really  worried. Laughing you shook  your head and walked up to him.

"Sorry I needed to go out and get a few things." You said.
"What was it?" Allen asked.
"Well...actually it's more like a gift for you." You smiled.

Allen's  silver eyes looked at you in confusion and noticed the bag when you  lifted it up for him to take, a gift? for him? Wondering why he set the  bag down on the counter beside him and carefully took out the paper  inside, when he got to the wrapped up part he gently unwrapped it and  his silver eyes widen when they landed on the onsie.

"Are you serious?" Allen asked.
"Look on the bottom of the bag there's more." You said.

Watching  him look inside he noticed the multiple tests and all said positive,  looking back at you a huge grin formed on his face and he rushed towards  you, picking you up into his arms and spinning around.

"I'm going to be a daddy!!" Allen yells.

You  just laughed as the both of you now were crying with happy tears, as  Allen cupped your cheeks in his hands all the love he had for you he put  into a few kisses. Pulling away he hugged you once more.

"Oh I love you so much, I can't believe this...." Allen smiled.
"I love you too, and I know you'll be an amazing father." You said.
"I know for sure you'll be an amazing mother." Allen replied.

Surely  you two would have to tell your friends but you could save that for  later on another date, today was the time to just live in the moment  that just the two of you knew about your new addition to your now small  but happy family.

||Next One-Shot: Nea x Reader - Noah Meets Exorcist||

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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