Nea x Reader - Death Do Us Part

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||A/N: Okay so this one-shot is a sad one, it gives you all  insight of how reader-chan came to be part of that Second Exorcist plan  and little struggles reader and Nea went through in an attempt to be  together peacefully.||

Nea held your hand as you  both ran the two of you were covered in cuts, blood and dirt. You both  had hoped that the moment of peace you two shared would last forever but  things didn't turn out that way. Instead The Order found you both and  as your escape took place it gained the attention of The Earl.

Why was this happening?

Why can't they just let you two be?

Is the love you two share truly forbidden?

All  you two wanted was to live together, have a happy life together and  leave the war behind. You both wanted to live like other people did,  free to decide their fate their futures, but luck wasn't ever on either  of your sides.

Both of you were forced to fight on the side where you two would usually be enemies, but you two didn't see each other as that.

Panting  from all the running you tripped and fell, groaning as your body fell  to the ground and your hand slipped from Nea's he shouted your name and  quickly helped you back up to your feet.

"We can't stay here! We have to find a place to hide then we can rest." Nea says.
"I know....sorry." You replied.
"It's fine, let's just hurry." Nea says in a hurry.

And  once more the two of you began to run, soon as you turned a corner you  both noticed The Earl was waiting for you. Damn...looks like you'd have  to fight you way out once more. Pulling out your weapon your hands  tightly holding it and your eyes harden in a glare.

"I don't think you are allowed to leave alive~" The Earl says.
"To bad for you...Nea and I are going to get out of here...and we will live our lives together." You reply.
"(Y/N)...." Nea mutters.
"How unfortunate for you...I didn't come alone of course." The Earl says.

Just  then some akuma surrounded the sky, this made you and Nea break off for  the moment - you took on the akuma while he fought with The Earl. It  wasn't until much later that you joined in the fight but the end result  was that you both got badly wounded.

Nea was leaning up on the  wall behind him as his wounds were to deep to even think of living  past, you well you were laying on the ground with your head on Nea's  lap. Your innocence was still in your hand but it was loosely grasped.
The both of you were in horrible shape, and it didn't look like you both were gonna make it.

Tears  pooled in the corner of your eyes as you realized you wouldn't be able  to have the future you both talked about with this man, but...maybe just  maybe dying along side him wouldn't be so bad either...

If  the world rejected the two of you from falling in love...then maybe  dying together sounded more peaceful then being on the constant run for  your lives.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)...I couldn't give us....a bright future..." Nea says, weakly.
"It's okay...I don't mind...long as I'm with you until the end...I don't mind..." You reply in a whisper.
"Watching you die....hurts me so bad.....that these wounds are numb to me...." Nea admits.
"Same here...but I leave this world....with you..." You admit back.

Nea's  eyes widen slightly as much as his weakened body would let him, tears  pool at his eyes and roll down his cheeks. The fact that both of you are  dying together was a bit more comforted but then he realized he may or  may not see you again.

That scared him more then ever.

A  Noah would be able to return, but a human? He wasn't sure if you would  reincarnate....or how long he'd have to wait to see you again.

But even so...his desire to be with you in another life where you both could be happy was still there.

And so...he wanted to promise you something...a promise he would for sure keep forever.

"I promise...I'll return to you one day...I'll find you..." Nea says.
"Okay...I'll be waiting..." You reply.
"Are you two still alive? Geez just die already!" The Earl says.

After  those words Nea was helpless to watch The Earl stab you once more,  effectively killing you. He was slashed once more and when he was near  death someone appeared before him, he remember the guy but never got the  chance for him to meet you...he was an old friend who supported him and  actually kind of helped him escape with you.

The last words he heard from the man were....

'I will protect your memories from the others. No matter how long it takes until you awaken. No matter what.'

After  that everything went dark and Nea believed he finally joined his love  in the clutches of death, hoping until the very end one day he'd be able  to fulfill his promise and find you once more so you two could finally  have that happy ending he knew you deserved.

Not long after  the couple had died a few people within The Black Order decided to use  the dead body of yours as an experiment to see if their artificial  aposols would work, that's how you came to enter the Second Exorcist  plan..

||Next One-Shot: Allen x Reader - AU Family||

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