— TWITTER —CALUM5SOS: Love you all❤️
((k now pretend this is a screenshot of his notes and he tweeted it along with that okay hah))
i wasn't going to address this because it's not anyone's business, but with so many people speaking out to gain attention and twisting the truth i felt like i had to. i will not be speaking about luke in this.
whoever came out and said i cheated on summer was partially right. while at a bar with the whole crew, there was a girl all over me. i didn't do anything with her, but it was excessive and i should have told her to get off, but i didn't. this resulted in a big fight between summer and i which eventually led to a breakup. i said some things i shouldn't have and i regret it so much.
i still love summer very much, but maybe this is what's supposed to happen. she's the type of girl i will never get over, and i wish her the best with her career and future relationships. i also hope me getting the truth out will stop all the negative comments on her page.
i realize what i did was wrong, and i hope you all continue to love and support me. i'm human. i'm young and am bound to make mistakes, that doesn't justify anything though. i hope you all can see how truly sorry i am.