So I'm Not the Perfect Girl...

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So I don't cake my eyes with mascara or line my eyes with thick black eyeliner,

Does that mean I'm not worth your time?

So my hair isn't perfectly straight or dyed professionally blond,

Does that mean I'm automatically pushed to the side?

My skin isn't fake baked, or stunningly clear of acne,

Does that mean I hold no value?

So I don't have a flat stomach or muscled arms,

Does that mean I'm fat?

I don't play a sport, and I'm not physically coordinated,

Does that mean I'm a loser?

So I don't love to make fun of others or be part of an exclusive clique,

Does that mean I have no friends?

So I like to watch movies like Star Wars and hang out with my family,

Does that mean I'm a nerd?

I don't have witty comebacks and sometimes I'm stumped for words when I shouldn't be,

Does that make me stupid?

So what if my parents don't waste thousands of dollars on brand name clothes and shoes,

Does that mean I'm too poor to talk to?

So I don't like to drink or do drugs,

Does that mean I'm not cool?

So I have hair on my body,

Does that mean I'm ugly?

So I don't like fakes and I'll say something if you are,

Does that mean I'm a bitch?

So I'm human just like you and not afraid to show it...

Does that make me undesirable?

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