Chapter One

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I walked home from school pulling my bag up on my shoulder. A soft breeze was flowing through the brown and red leaves of the almost bare trees.

I pulled my black beanie down to block the wind. My hair was flying around my face blocking random spots of my vision. It was cold and windy out, no rational person was walking home. They were in their cars or carpooling with friends.

But I wasn't exactly a rational person...or a rich person.

I sold my old Chevy last week for only $3000. We needed the money to pay the rent and bills. And my dad wasn't exactly doing to good with his job search.

Another strong breeze went by. I had already lost the feeling in my fingers, so when my hair flew in my face I ducked my head down.

Winter was definitely coming hard this year. We were only in the middle of September but the temperature was already down to 30° or less.

My house wasn't far from the school but the brittle air made it seem like hours away. I pulled my thin black sweater tighter around me as I rounded the corner to my street.

I lived in a nice neighborhood. All the houses were two stories and well kept. They all resembled eachother with the dark roofs and light painting. They were designed to look like country houses but with the yard work and modern designs they fitted in.

I climbed the few steps to my porch. The porch was wide with dark green paint. The walls were white but over the years it had faded to almost a creamy color. The door, roof, and windows were all a dark wood almost like mohagony.

I sat my black leather bag on the white rocking chair and searched through it for my keys. Once the door was unlocked I unlaced my combat boots and set them outside. My dad didn't want me bringing them inside, he said they were made for outside so that's where they'd stay.

"I'm home." I yelled closing the door behind me and locking it. I set my bag on the table by the door and hung my sweater on the coat rack.

"I'm in the dining room." My dad yelled. I let my socks slide on the wooden floor as I walked towards him.

"Pick you feet up Vanessa I told you about that. That's why you have holes in half your socks." My father said looking at me over his computer. I picked up my feet the rest of the way towards him.

I looked over his shoulder and saw he was filling out another online application. I patted his shoulder, "I'm gonna go do my homework." I walked back the way I came to get my bag off the table. I headed up the steps.

There was four bedrooms upstairs and one guest bedroom down stairs.

My older brother moved out a year ago, so my younger brother, Jace, had tooken over his room. He used to share a room with J.C his twin brother. Both of them had my moms blonde hair and clear pale complexion but they had my dads hazel eyes.

They were 12 only three years younger than me.

"The witch is home." J.C yelled when he saw me coming up the stairs.

"Be careful I may pull some witch magic on you." I put both of my hands up and pointed at him pretending to have powers.

"Whatevs. Yo Jace! Did you take my xbox game when you were in there the other day?" J.C said banging on his brothers door.

I walked into my room and closed the door. I heard the two boys arguing outside in the hall but I turned on the radio to block them out.

I had the second biggest room in the house next to my dads.

There was a queen sized bed next to the window, with a neon zebra print bed spread on it. A black dresser was across the room next to a large mirror with black intricate designs. My walls were black also, not because I was goth. The color soothed me, it made me feel like I was inside a dark cave alone. I had painted things on the walls that expressed how I felt. They were painted in neon paint that glowed in the dark. Some of it was paintings of butterflies, flowers, or my mother. There was a portrait of her above my bed that I had painted in the brightest paint I could find.

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