"Get up. Come on. Do it. Wakey wakey."
"VANESSA GET THE FUCK UP!!!" I jump out of my bed. Jace is hovering over my bed shaking me gently, J.C is in the hallway with a toothbrush in his mouth. White foam was on the side of his lip," Is she up now?" He asked probably not able to see me in the dark room.
"Morning Vanessa. Yeah shes up." Jace said smiling at me.
"THE WITCH HAS AWOKEN!" J.C announced to the entire household.
"Shut up before you wake up Dad!" I whisper yelled at J.C.
"Dad already left to work! Why else would I yell FUCK!" He screamed the F bomb again and I cringed a bit. I didn't like my little brother to curse when I rarely did. But he thought he was a badass and didn't listen to what I had to say.
"Please J.C don't start." I rolled off the bed wobbling. My legs were still asleep and I couldn't wake them up.
"Have a good day Vanessa. Our bus is gonna be here soon so make sure your awake." Jace says turning the light on. He gave me a helpful smile before walking out my room. J.C was still in the doorway grinning.
"Fuck." He walked away with a smug smile. He wasn't always this way. He used to be more like his brother, until my mom died. The boys were only 7 at the time but that didn't stop the bullying. When J.C started getting bullied he stopped it by becoming the bully. Jace on the other hand started killing everyone with kindness. At least the bullying had stopped for them. Me on the other hand...not so much.
I groaned and went to my dresser. I was never the one big on what I was wearing but I felt like today I should dress to impress...myself of course. I didn't have a crush at school so...why impress anyone there. I had a few "friends" I guess you could call them. We didn't hang out of school but we talked during school. Does that make them my friends?
Honestly as long as I wasn't eating lunch by myself I didn't care.
I grabbed a pair of ripped black skinny jeans with a white shirt with the imprint of a black tuxedo on the front. I quickly got dressed in my chosen outift then went to do my hair.
Usually I just wore it down, but I decided to spice things up. I ran a brush through my hair untangling it. Once that was done I plugged in my straighten iron.
I heard a bus pull up and the horn honked. "Bye Jace! Bye J.C!" I yelled.
"Byeee!" I heard Jace say.
"Fuck!" I heard J.C yell. I had the sudden urge to flip him off but ignored it. I was not gonna stoop down to his level.
Instead I checked the straightener. It wasn't hot yet so I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. Once my breath was minty fresh I parted my hair so I could straighten it.
It didn't take me long to straighten half of my hair then curl the top. I slipped on my beanie. More than a few brown curls were visible but for the most part it was straight. I slipped on a pair of socks and went back in the bathroom.
I put some black eyeliner on the top of my eyes only then got the mascara to lenghten my eyelashes. I had my eyes all fixed up I slid on some lip gloss and grabbed my black leather jacket.
My bus wouldn't be here for another 10 minutes so I decided to mess on my laptop. I pulled up the Internet and logged onto Facebook. My notifications box was empty as usual but my message box on the other hand was full.
I clicked on the first message from Haley Jenn ...the popularist girl from school. And when my mom was alive one of my best friends.
Hey I have an idea! why don't you go wreck ur car...oh wait you don't have one! xD

Secrets (Dark Harry Fanfic)
FanfictionEveryone wants to find love...even the outcasts.