Chapter Three

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Liam made school more bearable for me. I hadn't been bullied for the past few days he's been there. He stood up for me which eventually gave me the confidence to stand up for myself.

It was nice having him around too. He came over a couple of times and introduced himself to my dad and brothers. He was even tutoring Jace for me so I could focus on my course work.

Just a few days of him being here and it was as if my life was perfect again. Liam took up that mother figure the boys were missing. I had tried to fill the void but you could still feel the emptiness. Liam somehow though, tall masculine Liam, had filled the void.

I had found out that Liam's dad walked out on his mom when he was only 5. He grew up around women which gave him a sensitive feminine side. I soon found out that it wasn't a side. Liam had a boyfriend. I wasn't exactly surprised when he told me this, I mean the second day of school he was wearing a rainbow colored bracelet that said "Gay & Proud." Honestly I thought it was pretty cool to have him around. He was good with the boys and my dad liked him.

Mostly because he was gay, typical father I know.

My dad had left the other day, his job had called for him to be out of town for a few days. I didn't mind, since Liam came around the boys were getting along and J.C even listened to everything I said.

Liam walked home with me since the bus was to rowdy for me in the evenings. The weather was getting even colder.

"You didn't have to walk with me ya know?" I said zipping up my jacket. The trees were now completely bare. All evidence of autumn completely gone, replaced by the icy fingers of winter.

"I know. But I saw how the bus was when the kids were getting on. I see why you walk." Liam was only wearing a thin jacket yet he didn't seem to be bothered at all by the cold. He was actually walking with a pep in his step.

"I take it your used to this kind of weather?" The sun shone a bit from behind the clouds and a rush of warmth went through me. But as soon as the sun was covered once again the cold wind erased all the warmth from my body.

"In Wolverhampton things are pretty cold." He answers my suspicions, shrugging.

"Yeah so I hear." I pull the sleeves of my jacket over my hands and stuff them in my pocket.

Liam bumped my shoulder playfully, "Ill see ya later." He started walking to his house as I advanced the steps of mine.

I fished my key out my pocket and unlocked the door.

"Jace J.C I'm home!" The boys got home about 30 mins before me. Which gave J.C enough time to make a mess.

I figured I'd find him in the kitchen making some unknown concoction that he calls food. But when I looked around the corner no one was in there.

I glanced in the kitchen, nobody.

"Boys?" I was answered by someone yelling upstairs.

"Get off me!" I heard a muffled scream. I ran up the stairs to find them on the floor in Jace's room. And here I thought they were done fighting!

"Hey stop!" I grabbed J.C off of Jace and yanked him to his feet.

"What are you two doing?!"

"He started it!" J.C yelled.

"No I didnt! He did!"


"Hey! Your not five! Your fourteen now start acting like it!" Jace nodded and apologized. J.C rolled his eyes and stomped out the room. I heard his room door slam and I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath.

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