Chapter Four

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Jace's funeral would be next week along with the lawsuit on J.C.

He was being trialed as an adult, for murder. Even though I wanted to say it was wrong for them to do that...I couldn't help but to think it was right.

I hadn't been to school the past few days, I hadn't even come out of my room. I didn't remember the last thing I ate, or talked.

Liam had come over several times to check on me, but it only resulted in me being completely silent while he tried his hardest to carry on a conversation.

My dad returned from work heartbroken. He had already lost his wife and now he'd lost his son.

But the difference was he didn't hate J.C, he still loved him. I couldn't tell if I did or not. I just knew that he made me sick at this point.

"Vanessa, you have to go to school. It's almost the end of the year. Finals are coming up." I glanced at my dad who was standing in my doorway with dark circles under his eyes. Like me he hadn't slept, or eaten.

"Please..." he pleaded. I still couldn't find my voice but I nodded my head.

"Thank you, so much. I promise this will all be over soon." I nodded my head again slowly. I didn't know how he was handling this so easily. Even though he wasn't really sleeping or eating he was still able to smile.

"I'm gonna go wake your brother up." He said waiting for me to move. I just glanced at him before starring back at the painting of my mom.

"He's not my brother." My voice was dry and hoarse but still came out angry.

"Don't be like that. He didn't mean to do what he did." My dad said shaking his head.

"He's. Not. My. Brother." My voice raised a bit as I glared at my dad.

"Okay. Okay." He backed away and started towards J.C's room. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and noticed I had 30 minutes to get ready.

I climbed off my bed and headed towards my bathroom to shower. When I looked in the mirror I was immediately disgusted. I was still wearing the same clothes I had quickly chosen the night my brother died. The only thing different was my greasy hair was thrown in a bun.

I looked at my shirt to see a smear of blood. When the ambulance had tried to take Jace away I was so out of it that I had tried to grab him. I guess the blood that had been dripping from his mouth got on me. I didn't want them to take him away, or to announce he was dead. He had to be alive...

But he wasn't.

I stripped off the musty clothes and turned on the shower. I waited for the water to get burning hot before climbing in. I ran shampoo through my hair and washed off my body.

I didn't take to long since I planned on catching the bus. I heard J.C leaving and for a moment I had to catch myself from yelling out "Bye Jace!"

I felt a few tears pricked at my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. I dried off and got dressed in a pair of black jeans that had a bunch of zipper pockets on them, and a black tanktop that said "Don't touch" in white letters. I left my hair down to air dry and grabbed a black beanie from my dresser. I didn't bother with makeup, but I did brush my teeth and hair before heading down the steps.

The pants were loose fitting and swung around my legs as I made my way to the door.

"Bye Vanessa." My dad said from the kitchen.

"Bye." I mumbled. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. I grabbed a pair of my off brand converse from the small shelf full of shoes and slipped them on my feet. I grabbed my leather jacket off the hook and put it on as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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