DI1 - Round 4: To Anger an Elf

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Prompt: After leaving Du Weldenvarden for Eragon's new training center, one of the elves is angered at you, and the only solution is a one-on-one fight with him/her. The entry must explain what made the elf angry, describe the fight, and describe also, Eragon's training center.

Rating: 7 out of 12, safe from voting because of dropouts 


I awake to find a large, glittering snout stationed inches in front of my face and ivory talons set on both sides of my head. Every inch of my upper body is drenched in sweat. Limp strands of blonde hair are plastered to my face, neck, and shoulders. Moist, hot breath surrounds me, and long, strands of saliva drip from Dae’s fangs. Amusement shines in her deep amethyst eyes. I however, do not find it funny in the slightest.

 “What do you want?” I ask, annoyed.


“I simply wanted to wake you up. Can I not do that?” A smirk is evident in her voice.


“No! No, you can’t! Not without an extremely good reason. I still have ten minutes before alarm goes off, so get off me and let me go back to sleep!”


“Well then I guess an audience with the raven-elf-queen isn’t a good enough reason for you. Roslyn and Gereth thought it was.”


“The queen? Wants to talk to us now?” My mind is not comprehending fast enough. “Get off me you great purple lump! I need to get ready!” As soon as she releases me from the bed, I leap up, frantic. Rushing around the room, I yank on a indigo tunic, grey leggings, and scramble to find my other boot. Just as I trip down the stairs, buckling on Sercyll in the process, I catch sight of the messenger, Roslyn and Gereth standing next to him.


Together, the five of us head towards Tialdarí Hall; as we stride among the pines, the messenger, whose name I learn is Duilin, explains to us that the queen has a special journey for only eight of the Riders to go on, however, he reveals no more than that.


Draped in a vibrant, golden dress, Queen Arya studies the eight of us. Behind her, Firnen watches us as well. Under their scrutiny, I feel awkward and uncomfortable, so in an attempt to make myself look less like I just rolled out of bed, I straighten my back up, standing as tall as I can.


Most of the Riders she had gathered were unknown to me; only two, Roslyn and Lana, had I become friends with. The rest I had seen, but not become acquainted with. I am stuck in the middle of the group between two humans, Eran and Belle. Eran is scruffy, with light brown hair and deep blue eyes that match his dragon, Farran. Belle on the other hand, looks quite refined. She has very dark, almost black hair and dark brown eyes. Next to her, clasping her hand within his own, stands another human whose name seems to be Verity. He looks slightly similar to Eran, but had both dark hair and dark eyes.


Next to Eran, stand two elven females, one with red hair, the other with blonde hair, almost identical to mine.


“Their names are Adurnae and Reona. You should know that by now,” comments Dae.

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