Events [blank minded] 2

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Coma?! What?! Since when? HOW?! I started hyperventilating once again. Oh my god, I've been off line one whole damn year?! Crap, how?! What happened to me?!
"Kid! Kid? Can you hear me" I snap out from my thoughts by the sound of the nurse's voice.
"Doctor? What h-happened to me?" I asked shaking.

"Well, you're pretty lucky, I have to say, you were the only survivor" he said. Survivor?

"Ex-excuse me but, survivor from what?" I mumbled.

"From a car accident, pretty wild one" he said. "Now tell me son, do you remember who you are". I shook my head. Damn, I don't know who am I!
"That's ok, it's totally normal in this kind of situation" he said. "But then, I'll tell you what happened, you were in the car with your parents, then a hight speed car pass out a red light crushing your car and your parents". My parents? "Unfortunately your parents weren't able to survive, they were left completely dead, you on the other hand survived". It was like a knife stabbing your chest. But a plastic knife. I wasn't that sad. I couldn't be sad for people I don't remember knowing. Still, they were my parents. Plastic knife.
" I know it's a lot to assimilate but you'll be fine, since you're an orphan now we contacted a relative of yours who you'll live with at the end of your stay here" he informed. "Until then, feel like home" they all left the room leaving me completely alone except from the machines that were there making weird noises. Orphan? Car accident? It was a lot to assimilate. I didn't asked my name. I saw a little hospital bracelet, the ones they put on the patients, was written "Liam Mason". Was that my name? Liam....  It did sounded familiar, but the only name I truly recognize was Maya. I remember her. It was the only thing I could remember. I remember her beautiful blue crystalline eyes, her black curly hair with her turquoise painted tips, her adorable freckles. I remember her obsession with Nightcore and Harry Potter books, her incredible talent with the piano, her gorgeous laugh, her favorite color. Everything about her I knew it. The only thing I wanted to do now was 1) get the hell out of here and 2) find her. Perhaps she remembers me as well. I remember making her my girlfriend and how she cried when she said yes. I miss that. I miss her so very much. I need to find her, no... I will find her. As soon as this stay is finish I'll go looking after her.

After 3 weeks
Hell yeah! Finally this nightmare is over. Yesterday I met this "relative" of mine. It turns out it was my uncle Edward aka Eddie. The guy was funny and nice. I think I'll enjoy living with him. He told me I used to live in here Seattle and that I was a troublemaker. That I went to river heights school and that I was the "popular" kid. That I did have a girlfriend but he didn't knew her so I wasn't sure if it was the girl am looking for. We're moving to California what upset me a bit since I was going to check out if Maya might be still in Seattle, still am not giving up on her. Today, we are going to my new home. Am starting school on Monday with them rest of the students. Since today is Saturday I'll have the whole weekend to find any clue to lead me back to Maya. I finally got the ok to walk without my crutches so it would be easy, right? Oh god no, it's not easy, I almost fell like a thousand times. Oh well, guess I'll also need to learn how to walk again. Darn it. Am heading to the public room. According to Eddie, my stuff has already arrived to California and I don't have any extra luggage. I entered the room to see him staring at a nurse. Geez, this is awkward.
"Um, uncle Eddie?" He jumped from the scare "what the hell are you staring at?" I asked suspiciously.
"Um, hey nephew, how is it going?" He's trying to avoid the question here.

"Fine so far, now, you mind telling what was so interesting about that nurse for you to be staring at her like that dear uncle?".

"Well, um, you know, sh-she had a fly, yes fly!" He said.

"In her butt?" I said. He blushed as hell. Hehe, little pervert.

"Whatever, I should be the one asking the question here young man, now let's keep going".
We get in his car. I really great car I have to say. Cobra last model. Awesome! It was a long ride from Seattle to California but finally we arrive. We got to his house. Wow! Is this guy rich or something? The house was as big as crap! Oh gods, it have a pool! This is gonna be amazing! We entered and the first thing I saw was an enormous TV, a castle kitchen, stairs made out from glass and a big waterfall fountain. I just gasp. It was... All I could do.
"Well kiddo, feel like home since, ya know, this IS your new home... Heheh no? Ok, so your room is upstairs, pool's outside and the bathroom is the third door to the right, any questions?" Before I could answer he continued "no? Ok so you have the day free tomorrow 'till school starts to you probably wanna go and rest now, the trip was long enough for your little sensible mind, so good night!" He went upstairs. My new house. My new city, my new life... At list I have all day tomorrow to do whatever I want before school starts. I decided am gonna go and explore the surroundings, for me to not get lost the first day. Until then I'll have to get use to.... This.

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