The Rise of GeneCo

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‘It was March 15, 2028, the day I had come into the world..’ “Stef, my water just broke; the baby is on her way..” A woman said gritting her teeth in pain “I know that it hurts, Gina. But you must overcome the pain, We both know how much we were hurting when we couldn’t conceive in the past, just think of how rewarding this will be once you hold our newborn little girl in your arms..” Stefano said ‘My father, Stefano Antonucci is a doctor, who cared for his patients, as well as his wife, Gina.’ “Yes, it will be very rewarding to hold our precious little miracle in our arms.” Gina said screaming and gritting her teeth “Gina, just one more push..” Stefano said


“Six whole hours of labor, but it was worth it.. Stefano, she’s so beautiful..”
Gina said “That’s the perfect name.. Isabella Carmen Stefania Antonucci..” Stefano said “Bella.. I love it. Our beautiful little baby Bella.” Gina said ‘A knock at the door had alerted my parents..’ “Stef, could you go see who that is?” Gina asked “You two just rest..” Stefano said kissing Gina’s forehead “Good evening, Dr. Antonucci, have I caught you at a bad time?” A man asked “Good evening, Mr. Largo. I was just about to settle down for the night..” Stefano said “How is your wife?” Rotti asked “Gina’s fine, Rotti. She’s just resting..” Stefano said “I heard that you and Gina just had a child..” Rotti said “Yes a beautiful healthy little girl..” Stefano said “Do you think Gina would mind if I had a look at her?” Rotti asked “They need their rest.. Tonight isn’t the best.. Maybe some other time, Rotti.” Stefano said “Name the time and place.. because I would like to meet her..” Rotti said turning to leave “Who was that, Stef?” Gina asked “Rotti Largo. He heard about Bella. He wanted to see her..” Stefano said “She needs her rest.. Did he say what else he wanted?” Gina said “No, nothing other than to see Bella.” Stefano said “I think that Nathan and Marni Wallace should be Bella’s godparents. They have been really good friends to us..” Gina said “I’ll tell Nathan and Marni the good news tomorrow.” Stefano said ‘It wasn’t longer than a day I was in the world and I already had the interest of the richest and most powerful man in Sanitarium Island.. I had a loving family I might have been only six and a half hours old but I felt like I was on top of the world..’

~End of Chapter One~

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