The Uninvited Dinner Guest

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“Stefano, have you made up your mind?” Rotti asked “Bella’s a few days old, Rotti. Just tell me what you want..” Stefano said “Isn’t it clear what I want, Stefano? I want your daughter to represent GeneCo once she reaches a certain age and at which point she will marry my oldest son, Luigi. Think about it; your daughter marries into the richest most powerful family on Sanitarium Island, and your financial problems are solved.. All you have to do is sign the papers and your debts will be wiped clean. I know that you and your wife could use the money.  Take consideration for the offer. And give me your answer once you and Gina talk things over..” Rotti said
‘Later that day, in the GeneCo labs, Stefano had walked up to his good friend and colleague Nathan Wallace, a fellow doctor who also worked for Rotti Largo..’ “Stefano, congratulations on the new baby. I hope that one day Marni and I will be blessed with a child of our own..” Nathan said “That’s what I came to talk with you about; Gina wants you and Marni to be Bella’s godparents. You two are our closest friends and we want you present in our daughter’s life.” Stefano said “Marni will be so overjoyed to hear that.” Nathan said “ Why don’t you and Marni join us for dinner tonight? Meet your goddaughter.” Stefano said
“I’ll be sure to tell Marni.” Nathan said ‘Meanwhile back at the Antonucci household, Gina watched over me as I lay sound asleep. Wondering what I was dreaming about..’ Incoming call from Stefano Antonucci.. a computerized voice chimed “Gina, set two extra plates. The Wallaces will be joining us tonight.” Stefano said “Did you tell Nathan?” Gina asked “He was pleased to hear that he and Marni would be a part of Bella’s life. He sends his congratulations. I should be home soon.” Stefano said “Be safe, Stef. I love you..” Gina said hanging up, going over to my crib, gently stroking my hair ‘A knock at the door had startled my mother. She goes over and opens it quietly to prevent waking me.’ “Good evening, Mrs. Antonucci..” Rotti said “Mr. Largo, what brings you by my home?” Gina asked “I thought I would stop by and give you my congratulations on the little one.” Rotti said “Thank you, would you like to come in?” Gina asked “Thank you. How is the little one?” Rotti asked stepping inside “She’s sleeping right now. May I take your coat?” Gina asked “Thank you.. Your home is lovely, Gina.” Rotti said “That is kind of you to say, Mr. Largo. Would you like to see her?” Gina asked “Your husband tells me that she is very happy and healthy. And please, Gina.. call me Rotti.” Rotti said as Gina had lead Rotti over to my crib “There she is. Our beautiful little Bella.” Gina said
“Bella.. The name suits her. She will grow into a very beautiful young woman one day. Just like her mother.” Rotti said “Could I get you anything, Rotti?” Gina asked “Nothing right now, thank you.” Rotti said “If you came looking for my husband, he’s on his way home now.” Gina said “So, has Bella been fussing at all?” Rotti asked “Oh, no. She is very quiet and well behaved for a child her age.” Gina answered looking down at me sleeping “How did you come up with her name?” Rotti asked “She’s named after my grandmother and her name is my middle name and she reminded me of her.. it was Stefano who fell in love with the name.. I went through six painful hours of labor but it was worth it when I brought her into the world.” Gina said “Has Stefano talked to you about our little discussion a few nights ago?” Rotti asked “Only that you were keen on seeing our daughter.. If you don’t mind my asking, Rotti, why do you have an interest in her?” Gina asked ‘Marni, Nathan and Stefano had entered the house just before Rotti could answer Gina’s question.. they all look in awe upon seeing Rotti in the Antonucci household.. This would be one dinner my family would never forget..’

~End of Chapter Two~

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