A Legacy Too Great

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‘Rotti’s driver had pulled into a mansion driveway. He had stepped out, getting his key from his jacket pocket. He could hear the yelling of his nine and four-year-old sons from outside. He opens the door to find Luigi’s hands wrapped around Pavi’s throat.’

“That’s enough!” Rotti’s voice boomed as a startled Luigi released his brother from his cobra-like grip. Rotti had scooped up his sons by the collars of their shirts, keeping them separated

“What have I told you about strangling your brother, Luigi?” Rotti asked, turning to face his nine-year-old son

“Not to do it.” Luigi muttered sourly under his breath

“That’s right. Now go sit in your room and think about what you did.” Rotti said as Luigi had thumped up the stairs, angrily stomping to the room he shared with his brother

“Paviche, are you alright?” Rotti asked Pavi nods, still shaken by what happened to him. He clutches his father, sobbing softly

“There, there. It’s alright, son.” Rotti said, affectionately patting his back not paying attention to the crashing coming from upstairs

“Stupid Pavi! Always gets away with everything!” Luigi yelled, throwing furniture all over the room

“Bella will be just the thing to straighten him out.” Rotti said to himself, softly taking a long look at the room at the top of the stairs


“Gina, what have I done? I signed our only daughter’s life away..” Stefano said

“You have also saved it. Even though we may not like the idea, it was the right thing to do.” Gina said

“I feel like I betrayed her somehow, Gina.” Stefano said, placing his hand on his wife’s shoulder

‘It wouldn’t be long until I would be of age and sold to Rotti Largo and I would become the permanent property of his family. My parents had to worry about settling the debts to come.. I have no idea how I would feel about the deal my father had struck..’

“Paviche, you are my youngest child. I have to keep your rotten tempered brother in check.” Rotti said

“Father, do you know-a why my brother strangles me?” Pavi asked, tears still rolling down his face

“I am going to have a talk with him tonight. Speaking of, I think we should go check on your brother.” Rotti said, taking Pavi in his arms, climbing up the stairs leading to their room

“Why did Dad have to go and have another kid?” Luigi yelled, thrashing on his brother’s bed and throwing Pavi’s toys all around the room

“Luigi, I would like to have a word with you-- Paviche, why don’t you go play in the family room while I talk with Luigi, okay?” Rotti said, placing his youngest son on his feet and gently patting his back toward the steps

“What do you want? Come to talk about how I shouldn’t try to end my brother?” Luigi said sourly, his arms crossed over his chest

“I shouldn’t have to tell you not to strangle him. He is your little brother, Luigi. Paviche has done nothing to threaten you in any way.” Rotti said

“Where were you all this time?” Luigi asked, a snide tone in his voice

“I don’t think I have to explain my business with a nine-year-old.”

“Dad, where you go for long hours of time is my business.” Luigi barked

“It was an emergency; my Night Surgeon, Stefano, his newborn daughter was born with a heart defect. She was brought to me and I had given her a new heart. Now, Stefano and I have an arrangement for the payment.” Rotti said

“She had a heart defect? Do you expect me to believe that?” Luigi asked

“You had better straighten up. The arrangement her father and I have is really for you, son.”

“For me?” Luigi asked, a puzzled look on his face

“You will know in time, Luigi. I’m going to get your brother, and get you both ready for bed.” Rotti said, heading for the door

After his father had left, Luigi had sat on his bed, breathing deeply to calm himself down. Rotti returns a few minutes later with a sleeping Pavi in his arms. He looks at his sons, thinking about the deal he had made with my father.


“What have I done? I know she doesn’t deserve that kind of future. One slip up and she’ll be gone.” Stefano said

Stef, we have plenty of time with her before the deal takes its toll. We have her whole life.” Gina said

“You’re right.” Stefano said, sitting down on his side of the bed

‘Gina gently rubs her husband’s shoulders as they stare lovingly at their sleeping daughter, knowing that now she would live a long and healthy life. They lay down, holding one another and drifting off to sleep. Rotti, about to turn in, thinks of his ever growing empire and of my future at GeneCo.’

~End of Chapter Four~

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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