Awkward: Excerpt

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A sly, teasing smile crept up on his lightly tinted, thin lips. "Only if you do something for me, Blake."

Taken aback, I felt my eyes widen as my face scrunched up in disgust towards him. "Forget it, you horndog! My mouth is not going anywhere near your body -- upper or lower. I'd rather sit through Wendy and Tinkerbell, back there, sing Taylor Swift," I spat through clenched teeth.

The next thing that came out of his mouth was not what I was expecting; he laughed. Laughed! Aaron Cross just got rejected by a girl and all he could do was laugh. Was I missing something here?

"That's actually not what I was going to suggest," he started to say once his laughter died down. "But I knew you secretly wanted me."

I felt my cheeks flush a bright crimson when he flashed that quick -- yet smooth -- wink over at my direction with the click of his tongue. Embarrassment washed over me as he began to laugh at my rosy cheeks that were glowing brighter than Rudolph's nose. Realizing what just happened, I couldn't help but feel. . . offended. Offended that he wasn't even trying to get in my pants -- not that I wanted him to. But if it were any other girl, he would jump at the opportunity, so why not me? Am I too awkward for him? God knows I'd never ask.

My mind snapped out of it when Aaron walked past me and towards the staircase. "I just wanted you to make me a snack. Nearly dying from your horrible riding skills really works up an appetite, you know."

His low chuckle echoed through the large house as I shook my head of the recent thoughts I just had about him, mentally slapping myself for even thinking about being upset that a pig like Aaron Cross didn't want me, because, frankly, I didn't want him either.

[Here's a little hint: the Wendy and Tinkerbell that Blake talks about is a same sex couple and yes, they are singing Taylor Swift songs. That, my friends, is how Tay gets the gay.]

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