Awkward: Four

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                                                      • FOUR 

“AT LEAST BUY me dinner first,” I mocked in my signature Aaron voice that sounded nothing like him but resembled the irritating screeching in my ear whenever he spoke. “Can you believe him?!”

        I carelessly threw my book bag over on to the couch once I stepped inside of my house, plopping myself down right after. Andy followed my actions and made himself comfortable.

        The rest of the day after lunch was horrifying. And by horrifying, I mean I was thrown penis jokes by Aaron's friends everywhere I went.  Only a few more months left until Senior year is done and over with, I don't know how I'm going to get by without getting expelled for murdering someone.

        “Breathe Blake.”

        “I can't. He just makes me so mad I can punch the wall!”

        “I can punch the wall. Anyone can. Your walls are practically paper.” He stood up, walking towards the kitchen. “So I'm guessing you don't want to go to the pep rally tonight?”

        “Ugh!” I groaned out from the living room, not bothering to force myself to form actual words.

        “Is that a yes or no?” Andy called out right after. By the sound of his voice echoing, I knew he had his head poking inside my fridge, rummaging through it without a second thought.


        “Alright I'm taking that as a yes, we're going!”

        Andy was standing by the entrance way of the living room with a slice of cold pizza in hand. I was about to worn him that that pizza had been sitting in the fridge for who knows how long, but once the tip of it was in his mouth and he was chomping down on it like it was the last slice of pizza on earth, I knew I was already too late.


        “What no, that was a no. 'Ugh' clearly meant no.”

        “Huh, does it? Guess you should have made yourself more clear about that; or at least spoke with real words.” He shrugged.

        As he talked back to me, he constantly munched on the expired piece of death just waiting to happen. It amazed me how oblivious he was to the rotten smell radiating off the bruised colored pizza spreading throughout the cramped space; the strong smell was enough for my stomach to churn as I could sense my face starting to turn green and the bile beginning to rise in my throat.

        Without stating why, I breezed past him, cupping my mouth with both hands. Once the fresh gust of wind whipped through my hair, the urge to cough up the little food that rested in the pit of my stomach immediately went away.

        The rumble of thunder erupted in the distance and it was slightly loud enough to make me jump back. The weather had been unpredictable over the past week; one day the sun would be shining bright high in the sky, practically causing glistening pellets of sweat to form at the top of our foreheads, then within a blink of an eye the dark clouds enveloped the sky and before we knew it, we're being drenched in rainwater. There's no telling what mother nature had in stored for Westfield tonight, but the clap of thunder was a clear giveaway that it was not going to be a restless night.

        “Watch out, she's gonna blow!” Andy bellowed, crouching behind the sofa once I marched back into the small space. “Ow.” He coughed out when the throw pillow I chucked at him collided with his perfectly structured hair. But not an “ow you bitch, that fυcking hurt” way, considering it was a damn pillow, more like a “that didn't hurt at all but I'm going to be a sarcastic asshole and say it did on behalf of my hair” way. But still, I played along.

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