Awkward: Two

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                                                      • TWO 

"HAVE A NICE RUN?" my mom spoke out from my doorway holding out a plate of stacked pancakes, managing to scare the shιt out of me. My movements resembled something of a thief, creeping slowly into the house from my window and making sure not to make a single sound, not realizing that Mom was wide awake and her boyfriend? No clue where he is but that doesn't come as a surprise to me. I've never met or seen any of her boyfriends face to face. I don't really care to know them or their names because sooner or later they skip out of our lives in a blink of an eye.

        “Does it look like I had a nice run, Mom?” I retorted back sarcastically as I stood before her, waving my hands up and down my body to drag her attention over to my damp appearance. 

        “Goodness Blake, what happened? Did you jump into a pool before coming home?” She chucked over one of the dish rags she had thrown over her shoulder as I stumbled to catch it in midair. Unraveling the cloth, I held it up to my body to measure the size, only to see that it barely even covered half of my arm. 

        “Gee thanks Mom, ten more of these and I'll be able to dry my hair.” I rolled my eyes throwing the small towel behind me not bothering to look where it landed. “I'm just gonna take a quick shower before school.”

        As I made my way past her and through my door to the bathroom right across from my room, I barely heard her call out an incoherent "No Blake, wait!" as my hand landed on the doorknob and the door flew open. Only I wasn't the one who twisted the knob, so who did? The hard rack of abs that my body crashed into did, that's who.

        “The bathroom is occupied; I tried warning you.” Mom coughed out from behind. Although my back was facing her, I could tell she was trying her hardest to restrict herself from laughing.

        The man that I collided with slowly laid his hands on my arms and his tight grip separated me from his glistening body. By the suction sound of my body leaving his, I felt like a jellyfish's tentacles struggling to be removed. It took me a while to realize that he was half naked with just a towel wrapped around his lower half. Instantly my cheeks began to heat up and no doubt he noticed when the corners of his mouth twisted up into a slight smirk.

        “Not the way I imagined meeting Karen's daughter but hi, I'm Chris.”

        “Hi,” I managed to reply back. Quickly spinning on my toes to face my mother, I shook off the heat that surrounded me. For the PG thirteen sake of this I'm going to say that the heat came from the steam of the shower that, by the looks of it, the naked guy recently finished taking. 

        Instead of meeting the similar caramel colored eyes of my mom, my gaze darted over to the picture hanging on the wall behind her; the very picture that captured the day of my birth and the picture that set the awkwardness scale of my life. If the picture itself didn't scream out 'awkward' to you then the look of surprise and disappointment plastered on my family and relative's faces would. Enclosed in the glass case was the visual capture of the memory of my very first awkward moment, though I wasn't old enough to feel the embarrassment that everyone in the room did – even the nurse who was standing behind the camera, taking the picture. 

        Mom was laying in the hospital bed with me cradled in her arms while my dad was sitting on the chair beside of her bed. For one of the biggest moments in our lives you'd think that my parents and family would have grins on their faces – that is if they were expecting a girl, which they weren't. And the “It's a boy!” balloons floating around the room were enough to confirm that, leaving them to name me the name they were set on calling their first born son, Blake.

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