Haru x Reader: Swimming With The Mermaids?!

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Haru x Reader:


“Have a good day,” Your uncle wished you from the kitchen as you slipped on some flip flops. Flinging open the front door, you heard him add, “And look for that swim club boy!”


“On it! Bye Uncle Sasabe,” Managing a reply before flying out the door, you hopped on your bike and sped on your way to your summer job. Your uncle would kill you if you were late on the very first day!


How you got a job at the neighborhood pool was a funny story. See, the thing was you went to live with your uncle during the summer in Iwatobi every year, but this time he mentioned a job offering at the pool he owned a couple of blocks down. You always knew he owned that old place; he even took you there many times as a kid, but it never really crossed your mind to go there as a highschooler. Regardless, you agreed to take the job hoping to make some money.


It seemed like a good deal; watch the kids swim all day, get a good tan, make some cash along the way, and help out your old uncle all in one. That’s when Uncle Sasabe threw in something a little extra: You could have the job as long as you tried to make friends with this weirdo swim club boy he used to coach.


“All I’m saying is just talk to him! He’s normally quiet and I feel bad for him sometimes,” Uncle Sasabe had said a few nights ago. Then he mumbled, “I always see him at the pool and all he does is go to the end with rings and do laps.”


“I thought you said he had friends,” You argued. Not that talking to a boy was difficult, it was just the fact your uncle was forcing you to make friends with a random boy you had never met; like meeting some kids from your family you had never seen when you were little and grudgingly having to hang out with them. It was too awkward!


“He does, at least he did on the team. The three of them seemed really close, but I have no idea anymore. That was years ago,” He shrugged and then looked you in the eyes, “Please, just promise me to get a good conversation in. He’s a good kid and so are you.”


You gave a stiff smile and agreed to try. And now here you were, racing down the street to the pool and now remembering that entire conversation; dreading the task at hand. Taking in a deep breath, you let the windy air fill your lungs to try and calm your nerves. It shouldn’t be that hard should it?


Within minutes of reaching the pool gate, you met your other lifeguards whom you’d be working with and opened up with them. The management team there greeted you with open arms and hands full of work attire, which you went to go put on right away.


As you were adjusting your new red shorts that came with the job, one of the girl lifeguards who had been working for some time at the pool came up to you with a smile and asked, “__________, right? Sasabe’s niece? Would you do me a favour and check the pool levels? It’d be a great help.”


Unable to really say no, you gave her a cheery, “Sure thing!” and made your way to the pool in your Iwatobi swimsuit that became your new uniform. You found the chemical test paper by the poolside and you bent down to the water and dipped in a sample to make sure it worked. Like the box said, you held it in the specific amount of time before taking it out. As you waited, you looked around the familiar pool.

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