Small BackStory

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This is my first book on Wattpad, (I've written other books before, just not here).  Please no hate and I hope you like it

What screws us up most in life, is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be. 


My mother had just gotten out of a 5 year relationship, we all lived with the guy in a city in Utah (for the 5 years). It was 2 weeks before school was supposed to start, and I was to be a senior in highschool. I wanted to finish out school, so while my mom and two sisters moved out of her now ex's house, and moved 3 hours away, I moved in with my best friend down the street.

I was in a horrible relationship, for 3 years. I don't know why my dumb ass didn't leave the guy earlier, he was so controlling and rude. My best friend hated him, mainly because he was a dick to me, and because he hated her for absolutely no reason what so ever. Nobody messes with my best friend, if you don't like my best friend, I don't like you. Shes my freaking rock. She's my other half, and you don't get her without me, or me without her. Might as well be dating us both. (Not really)

I told the douche bag I didn't feel the the same anymore, that something had changed between us. He never wanted to talk on the phone, he hardly ever talked to me in general, and he just didn't care. Mind you, he was my first kiss, the first person I slept next to. And he lived over 500 miles away, in Las Vegas. We rarely got to see each other, and when we did, I was terrified to be alone with him. We may have slept next to each other, but I always had a friend sleep over so I wasn't alone.  (I didn't lose my virginity to him, but I was a virgin). I had... Issues... When it came to absolutely anything sex related. I was sexually abused by my uncle as a child, and he knew that. My mother doesn't even know this, I never said anything to anyone but him and my best friend. He tried to pressure me into sex multiple times, knowing I wasn't ready, and terrified of it because of what happened when I was younger.

I finally decided to tell him how I truly felt, I wasn't feeling good about us anymore, and that he made me feel bad about myself more than he made me happy. My feelings weren't as strong and it wasn't fair to him, I didn't want to be together anymore, but he didn't have it. "I'll be down on the 28th of October for your Halloween party. Maybe we can get freaky and things will change between us, maybe you'll feel different about me. But just wait and lets talk about this in person." Were his exact words. It was around the end of September in 2017, it wasn't for sure that he was even coming down.

Emily, (the best friend I moved in with)  began speaking a lot of this 'Trent' character she works with. About how he vapes, he has gages, he's tall, and he's really funny. (Jayden, the douchy boyfriend, hated the fact that I wanted to vape. He hated the thought of getting a job too. Not to mention he wasn't very good looking, and i was taller than him.)  I was kinda excited, she said he was hot, and how she mentioned he vapes and he works with her, was the opposite of Jayden. Emily gave me Trent's number, it was September 27th when I first heard from him. I was 3 hours away from home, visiting my mom and sisters for a few days. We made plans to meet on October first, with Emily and her boyfriend, just to all go up the canyon and hang out, as friends. I didn't tell Jayden that I was going to hang out with him, even though my best friend and her boyfriend would be there, Jayden didn't trust me. Never had, even though I never gave him a reason not to. I did let Trent know I was in a relationship, but I also told him how I felt about Jayden.

Can I just say, October first was one of the best days of my entire life. Trent made me feel more in 3 days, just texting, then Jayden made me feel in 3 years. And I didn't even know Trent in person, until October first. I was actually happy. Even though it ended up snowing, and it was pretty cold, Trent SHOWED that he cared, he PROVED to be a gentleman. I never believed in love at first sight, until October first.

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