Chapter 2

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Cat's POV

I woke with the sun shining in my eyes, my face warm from the exposure. I rolled over in an attempt to grab my phone, instead falling and bumping my elbow on the coffee table. I sucked in through my teeth as I rubbed my elbow in a hopeless attempt to soothe the pain.
"Oh! Are you alright?" Brandon ran in from the kitchen in a half-panicked rush.
"Yes, I'm fine. Just miscalculated.." he held out his hand but I got myself up. I don't need help from a man. He gave a sad look, but lightened up and said
"I made you some lunch!" Lunch? What time is it? I checked my phone and the lock screen read: 1:26 I must've really slept.
"You really slept, Cat. I figured you needed it so I grabbed some groceries while you were asleep." Huh. Read my mind.
"Want some food?" He gestured to the kitchen behind him. I got up and followed the scent of fruits and coffee. It immediately made my mouth water, the Italian roast coffee mixed with plums, nectarines, and fresh cut strawberries filled my nose. I must've actually started drooling because Brandon was wiping my chin with his sleeve.
"I'll take that as a yes.." he chuckled and handed me a plate of the sliced fruits and a mug of coffee. I sat at the small dining table and took a sip. Delicious.
"I didn't know how you like your coffee so I bought all the plant milk I could find..." I widened my eyes and almost choked at his words.
"Are you serious??" I said in a stern voice. He chuckled again and replied
"No, I just wanted to see your reaction, given the fact you're like sexually attracted to plants". I laughed so hard I almost knocked my coffee over. He started laughing too and it went on for a while. I stuffed a strawberry in my mouth and noted,
"Okay, I'm not sexually attracted to plants. I devour them and leave no berry left unbitten." I finished by shoving a whole strawberry into my mouth, inevitably almost choking myself. Another round of obnoxious laughter and I caught myself gazing into his eyes, observing his smile. A sweet, gap-toothed smile. No. Stop it. Now isn't the time. He must've noticed my gawping and interrupted it with a light clearing of his throat.
"Yeah! Just kinda out of it I guess."
He replied with an "okay" and cleaned up the dirty dishes. I broke the awkward silence, "Hey you know you didn't have to buy me groceries. I can fend for myself." He gave me a look.

"What? I'm just saying you didn't need to do that." He rolled his eyes, and for some reason that set me off.
"Listen, buddy, I don't know what you're trying to do but it won't work. I can take care of myself and I don't need some fucking freak trying to intervene in my life." His shoulders dropped as I spat at him, his gaze lowering and his face turning red. I got up and left the room. I grabbed a cigarette and a lighter, leaving to go to the designated smoking area. I was fuming. Enough to smoke a cigarette, and it's killing me but I do it anyways. I took a drag, immediately dropping to the ground, half-digested fruit and coffee escaping my mouth. I lie on the ground, crying and stuffed the cigarette into the dirt. I curled up, my chest in excruciating pain.

Brandon's POV

I lay on the kitchen tile after collapsing. I had just met Cat, yet those harsh words hit me like a brick. I was just trying to help. She shot me down, and it hurt like hell.
"FUCK!" My chest hurt with that scream. I got up and paced, my hands running through my hair, worry for Cat's safety rising. I left my apartment and ran around the complex searching for her when I heard the same faint cries as last night. I followed the cries to the smoking area, and there she was. Curled up, covered in vomit and reeking of cigarettes. I smoke, but since seeing her I haven't touched one.
"Cat!" I ran toward her and kneeled down. "What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" She shook her head and stayed in the same position when I scooped her up and brought her back to the apartment. I sat her down in her dining chair and asked her what happened.
"Just went for a smoke." She replied with no emotion. I sighed and turned on the bath faucet. I waited to plug it until the water was perfectly warm, and then added bubble bath. I set some of her clothes on the top of the laundry basket and walked back to her. I picked her up again and carried her to the bathroom, sitting her down on the toilet seat.

"You get cleaned up. We're gonna go out, as long as it's okay with you."
"Sure, just don't try anything." I nodded and shut the door lightly. I hope she's okay.

Cat's POV

Jesus fuck. Why is he so caring? I pondered at the thought as I undressed and stepped into the tub. The water was perfect, nice and warm and the bubbles smelled like roses. My favorite flower.. it earned a long sigh of content as I relaxed and ran the bubbles along my limbs, about 20 minutes in my fingers started to prune. I unplugged the tub and wrapped my wet hair in a towel, but no towel for my body was present. I carefully stepped onto the rug and cracked open the door.
"Yeah what's up?" He yelled from the other room.
"I need another towel!" I didn't reply but he arrived with a huge, fluffy bath towel. It was hot, and I let out a remarkably loud moan when I wrapped it around myself. I blushed and thanked him for warming it up. After drying, I dressed in the clean clothes he brought me, wrinkled from being stuffed into the suitcase. I wore a black short-sleeve crop top and black skinnies. I let my hair fall out of the towel, coming to my lower back, and brushed it out. My hair already starting to curl, I put it up in a messy bun leaving a couple strands on the side down. I opened the bathroom door and was greeted with a glass of ice water.
"Feel better?"
"Somewhat. Still, have some chest pain but I'm sure it'll be fine." I gulped the water down, and he took it back to the kitchen. I followed and took a seat.
"You look beautiful." He said without looking at me, his head down and his voice low. "Thanks?" I still feel like he's up to something. Luring me in with deceiving charm before he strikes. Maybe it's not like that...
"Hey..weren't we gonna go somewhere?" I asked
"Oh yeah. We should get going." He got up and grabbed a cloth bag, and I wanted to know what was inside. He wouldn't let me see, though.
"It's a surprise, Cat."
"Why do you have a surprise for me? We just met yesterday." No reply. He drove us to a park, and we walked to a grassy hill with a perfect view of the sunset. I felt the cool breeze against my midriff and watched Brandon intently as he laid out a soft blanket and some assorted veggies and fruits prepared in plastic storage. I sat on the blanket and took in the beautiful view with the smell of fresh produce.

"This is amazing," I said after an hour of quiet snacking and brief eye contact here and there, "but why are you being so sweet to me? It's nice but we only just met and you've already done so much."
"Listen, Cat. At first, I didn't like you much. I thought you were hot and honestly just wanted to fuck something after what happened that morning. But, after spending time with you I realized that you're a gentle woman who just needs some TLC." I sat there, gawping at him as if he'd just asked me to marry him. Although it wasn't that serious, it still felt the same.

"Really? I'm so important that I made you change your mind about fucking me?" He sheepishly nodded, and we sat contently for about another half hour.
"We should get back before it gets too dark." He broke our silence and I agreed, helping him pack back up. I still felt like it was all a lie, but maybe if I trusted a little bit it wouldn't be so bad.

/time skip to the following morning/

Cat's POV

I rolled over, on the noticeably comfortable surface. I snuggled with the pillow and felt a warm arm around my waist. I scrambled out of Brandon's bed as he stirred awake right when I shut the door. I laid back down on the couch and scrolled through Instagram, to be met with a tired Brandon walking out, shirtless with only sweats on. I averted my eyes back to my phone when he sat next to me.
"Morning sunshine. Sleep okay?" I nodded silently, trying to ignore him. He stood back up and headed into the kitchen and soon enough the heavenly scent of yesterday's lunch filled the air.

• • •

Heyy I worked on this all day today, it's a bit longer than it was supposed to be but I like it. I really hope this one works out <3

-Arianna xo

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