Chapter 11

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"God, you're stunning."

Cat's POV

I calmly ate my pasta as Brandon was talking about how crazy it's been shooting his videos. I listened intently and noticed bruises on his arms, imagining what kind of trouble he's been getting into for the perfect video. I looked at him with a smile and took another bite. He took a sip of his water and I adjusted my dress around my legs and cleavage. I think I forgot how uncomfortable dressing nice is. Brandon watched as I toyed with the deep neckline on my dress. I cleared my throat to get his attention back to my face, but he didn't budge.

"Ahem, " I annunciated a little louder so he'd snap out of it, "my eyes are up here, ya perv." I laughed and he just blushed with a sheepish smile. He took a bite of his food and I chugged my ice water. As Brandon was done chewing his bite, his phone rang. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket and answered it. I pulled my phone out and checked Instagram as he argued on the phone with his friend Gabriel. I checked my notifications, which were blowing up with follows and comments. I switched to my news feed and the first picture I saw was a selfie that me and Brandon took a couple nights ago, with a caption that took my breath away: I'm in love.

My jaw dropped as I gawked at my phone and I liked the photo. I commented, "I am too.". I smiled as my heart warmed up and he finally hung up. He took another bite of his food and chewed quickly, then waved the waitress over. She brought the check and Brandon gave her his card. I was distracted, I couldn't believe he said that on Instagram to 600k people. What if they start recognizing me? What if I get threats? I could go on. I knew worrying was my only real problem about this but I couldn't help it. Brandon stood up and tucked his phone away, and I followed. I pulled the skirt of my dress down a little and Brandon smirked at me as he walked past. I followed him with my hand holding his bicep, and he pulled away to wrap his arm around my waist. I lifted my arm around his shoulder and we walked back to his car. He opened the door and said,
"M'lady." I chuckled and shook my head as I got in the car.

"What a fuckin' weeb," I said to myself as he rounded the front of the car to get in the driver seat. He turned the ignition and the car started, the quiet radio playing in the background of our conversation.

"So basically, we have to do everything over again. I swear whoever did this is gonna have my boot up his ass." Brandon was ranting about how someone deleted all of the footage from the week's shooting. He seemed upset and I was afraid to do anything to anger him more. I lightly put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it to comfort him. He shifted a little bit, and I pulled my hand away. I probably made him uncomfortable.

"Sorry," I muttered. He switched hands on the steering wheel and reached over to hold my hand. The drive home was quiet. Not that it was uncomfortable, there just wasn't much to say. In no time, we were pulling up to the apartment complex. Brandon parked the car and turned it off, and we got out. He seemed to be in a hurry, and I didn't wanna aggravate him so I just quickly followed behind. I grabbed his hand to try to keep up with him, but I was wearing heels and they were starting to hurt. We found the elevator, rode up to our floor, and walked down the hall to our room. Brandon unlocked the door and we walked in. I immediately took my heels off, and he took his sneakers off. I turned around to face him and he had a dark glint in his eyes. I cocked my head at him and he smirked.

"You okay?" I asked with a nervous laugh. Then, he stepped closer to me so that he was towering over me. He pushed me so we switched places, my back facing the wall.
"Whatcha doin?" I asked as I held his hands. He looked down and thought for a minute before raising his gaze back to me.

"You," he stated before pushing me against the wall and crashing his lips onto mine. He pushed his body against mine as we made out, and his hand snaked to my ass to squeeze it. I let out a small whimper into his mouth which fired him up. He pushed his groin against mine and I pulled away and gasped to catch my breath. I looked into his eyes and put my hands behind his neck to pull him into another kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he snaked his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the bedroom. He shut the door and pinned me against the wall, reconnecting our lips. I moved my hand to his bulge and unbuttoned his jeans. I palmed him through his boxers and he moaned into our kiss, sending chills through my body. I pulled away and he whined at the loss of contact. I thought for a minute, do I really want this? I was still a little drunk, and Brandon had a couple drinks. Now that I realized it, how had we gotten home without dying? He held my hand and stroked it with his thumb while I stayed quiet. I couldn't remember the last time I did this willingly... I started to feel tears prick at my eyes and Brandon squeezed my hand.

"Do you want to stop?" Brandon asked quietly with his face close to mine. His eyes were beautiful, they were so easy for me to get lost in. I shook my head and got on my tiptoes to kiss him. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance and he gave it. Our tongues battled again as the atmosphere reheated. My hands tugged at the band on his boxers, and he pulled his jeans down. I took his dick out and started stroking it. His eyes closed and he rested his forehead on mine. He pecked me on the lips and brought his hand behind my head to pull my thick mess of hair into a makeshift ponytail. I knew what he wanted. I got down on my knees as he held my hair and took him into my mouth. His jaw dropped slightly as I moved my head up and down on him, and his head fell back in pleasure. He looked back down at me, and I looked up at him as I sucked. He tightened his grip on my hair and pulled it as he started thrusting deeper. He pulled out and gestured for me to stand up. He pulled me into another make out session as he rubbed himself. I pulled away and slipped the dress off of my shoulders and pulled it down. Brandon gawped at me as I stepped out of it and kicked it to the side. He picked me up by the waist and carried me to the bed. He dropped me and laid on top of me, attacking my neck with bites and kisses. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his perfect hair, then wrapped my legs around his waist. He got to the base of my neck at my collarbone and found my sweet spot. I gasped and felt him smirk into my neck. He came back up to kiss my lips one more time before sitting up on his knees and tucking his fingers in the waistband of my panties and sliding them off. I covered my face with my hands as he slipped a finger in and pumped. I ground against his hand, wanting more. He slipped another finger in and I let out quiet moans as he moved them in and out. I felt a fire start in my stomach and he went faster but pulled them out when he noticed me starting to get close. I huffed as he moved back over me to my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck again and kissed him for a few moments. He broke the kiss and barely brushed our lips together as he asked,
"Ready?" I nodded and he shifted to line us up. He looked into my eyes and smiled, then pushed his hard member into me. I gasped at his size, and he let out a small grunt. He started thrusting, and I moaned into his neck and bit it. He moaned loudly into my shoulder as he went faster and faster. He stopped for a moment to sit on his knees and started fucking me again, using my bent knees at his waist as leverage. My hands gripped the sheets as I felt the heat in my stomach rise again and his thrusts were getting sloppier as he neared his high. He let go of my legs and dropped back down to meet my face without stopping and kissed up and down my neck. He moved his lips to my ear and I felt his hot breath getting shaky as he went faster, making me moan even louder. The neighbors probably hated us, but neither of us gave a damn.

"I'm gonna cum baby girl, " He growled into my ear and I felt fireworks explode through my body. He let out another loud moan into my sweaty neck as he came inside me. He pulled out and collapsed next to me on the bed and I cuddled onto his side. He turned slightly and wrapped his arms around me as we caught our breath. I felt him move the covers over us and I kissed his collarbone.
"I love you," I whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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