Angry Convo

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^Joey's POV^

I woke up in the morning, knowing that I was going to get into yet another argument with Sawyer. I didn't want to leave my room, but my stomach was growling, so I went downstairs to the kitchen. I made myself a smoothie and some eggyanyas. I ate my food and decided to watch some anime while I was waiting. While I wasn't paying attention, Sawyer snuck up behind me.

Sawyer: Can we talk now?

Joey: *annoyed* Go ahead and say what you need to say. I'm listening.

Sawyer: I know we've been arguing a lot lately, and I just wanted to say I forgive you.

Joey: Forgive me?! What have I done to you?

Sawyer: Joey, calm down. I know I'm not innocent in this either, but I figured that if I forgave you, we'd be able to solve this sooner.

I was already annoyed, but I was getting more pissed off by the minute. I hadn't done anything serious enough for him to need to forgive me before he even thought to apologize.

Joey: Don't you think an apology would've worked?

Sawyer: Why are you getting so angry?

Joey: *yells*Because you try to start a conversation by forgiving me when you can't provide an example of what I've done to you! You're such a fucking hypocrite.

Sawyer: *getting frustrated* Okay, I can live with that, but your little diva tantrums aren't going to get us anywhere.

{AN: I love Sawyer and I have nothing against him, but there had to be conflict in this story.}

Joey: I'd rather be a diva than a slut.

Sawyer: Whatever, that's beside the point.

Joey: Then what is your point? I'm still waiting to hear it.

Sawyer: My point is that I've been trying to solve this issue we've been having, but I can't because you refuse to listen to anything I say!

Joey: I'm not listening because you still haven't said anything worth listening to.

Sawyer: That's because you won't let me. Now I can understand why that boyfriend of yours went off and killed himself, because I'm sick of trying to deal with you and I'm just your roommate.

I can't believe he just said that. I trusted him. He was the only person I'd told about Chase. I couldn't believe that he used that against me.

>Sawyer's POV<

I shouldn't have said that. He trusted me with a huge secret, and I just threw it back in his face.

Joey: *sniffles* Thanks for telling me how you really feel.

Sawyer: I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have said that. I-I...

Joey: I know; you were angry and wanted to hit me where it hurt. You win. *sniffles* Are you happy now?

Joey ran upstairs without saying another word and I was left standing there feeling guilty.

^Joey's POV^

I went upstairs to my room, locked myself in and just cried. All I could do was think about Chase. I still miss him, even though it's been like two years since the last time I saw him. I wish I knew why he did it. I knew he was depressed, but it never seemed that bad. I've always wondered if it was because of something that I did or if there was something I could've done to stop him, but I'll never know. The fact that Sawyer used that against me is what hurt the most.

Just then, my phone started ringing. I was hoping it was a text so I could ignore it and answer later, because I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. My phone continued to ring, so I knew it was a call. I looked at my phone and saw that it was Shane. I didn't really want to talk to him, but he was able to make me feel better before; maybe he could do it again. I answered, hoping he'd be able to help.

*Shane's POV*

I called Joey to see if he'd actually tried to talk to Sawyer. I knew he didn't want to but it had to be done. I waited a while for him to answer, and I was almost surprised that he did.

// Shane: Hey!

Joey: Hi.

His voice was shaky and he sounded like he had been crying.

Shane: What's wrong?

Joey: Nothing, I'm fine.

Shane: No, you're not. What happened?

Joey: Nothing.

Shane: You know that I can't help if you won't talk to me. What happened? Did you try talking to Sawyer?

Joey: *sniffles* Yes.

Shane: And how did it go?

He didn't answer but I could hear him crying. I think it's safe to assume that things didn't go very well.

Shane: Do you want to talk about it?

Joey: *sniffles* Not really.

Shane: Okay, that's fine. Why don't you come over tomorrow? We can talk about it then.

Joey: Okay, I guess.

Shane: Great. In the meantime, you can eat, because there is nothing more satisfying than drowning your feelings in food.

Joey: *chuckles* But then, I'd get fat.

Shane: What is that supposed to mean!?

Joey: I'm saying that I have a lot of feelings, so if I ate all of them, I'd get really fat. Plus, if I wanted to eat, I'd have to get out of bed.

Shane: Laziness is almost as effective as eating in both healing feelings and making you fat.

He didn't respond, so I assumed he was pouting.

Shane: Are you making that cute pouty face of yours through the phone?

Joey: Yes.

Shane: *chuckles* Well save it for tomorrow when I can see you.

Joey: Okay. See you then.

Shane: Yup. Don't forget to leave your room at some point. You still need to eat.

Joey: Okay. Bye.

Shane: Baiii!//

^Joey's POV^

Again, Shane managed to pull me out of a sour mood, despite the fact that Sawyer was still upset. He's really good at that. There has never been a time that he hasn't been able to make me feel better, and I love that about him. I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

I decided to go to sleep even though it was only around 4 in the afternoon. Spending most of the day crying made me tired. I wanted to continue to do nothing and stop thinking about everything that had happened, and I knew the only way I could do that was going to sleep. I drifted off, looking forward to seeing Shane tomorrow.


Okay, so this is hands down the shittiest chapter I've written so far. I suck at writing arguments, but it had to be done. Aaanyway, leave a comment with any ideas/constructive criticism you may have. I'd love to know what you think. If you've read this far, thank you, and if you sneezed recently, bless you.

Deuces ^_^

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