Chapter II: Brits have Attitude

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Previously on Male in a Female World

'Didn't change at all did you Houki?' I thought, 'Yup, heart still beats faster when I look at you.' Admiring her tall and beautiful figure, her dark blue eyes, long, straight brown hair tied into a ponytail using a green and black ribbon, and a slim, curvaceous body with a large bust.

I walk up to her and whisper in her right ear, "Coming Houki~?" She jumps in surprise and blushes when she sees how close we are.

I grab her hand and walk to the school; hoping for a peaceful life.

Present Time


It's after lunch, we're sitting in class, Ms. Yamada was going over the material.

"Anyone have, any questions so far?" Ms. Yamada said as she was teaching, looking around.

I look around to see if anyone has questions, my eyes then land on Ichika, who looks like a nervous wreck. 'That's concerning...'I thought, shaking my head at him.

"Orimura do you have any questions?" Ms. Yamada asks, "If you do please ask before I continue." She stands in the front staring at Ichika.

"Uh...I understand almost nothing," He said raising his hands, I just facepalm myself. 'Oh, you poor child,' I thought, looking to Orimura-sensei, who appears to have a tick mark over her head. 

"Have you reach the text given to you before the exam?" Chifuyu asks in the most sisterly manner ever. 

'Holy shit she has emotions?!' I thought, my eyes going wide. 'The sister that never showed any emotion, now showing the caring sister emotion. I think pigs are going to fly soon,' I thought, certainly shocked by the turn of events.

"Ummmmm....that really thick book? I might have thrown it away by accident," He said scratching the back of his neck.

'You are some special child,' I thought, shaking my head again. 'Getting dizzy by the number of times I have shaken my head at him.' Holding my head, slightly light-headed, but it disappears as soon as it appears.

She smacks him with her clipboard.

"I will give you one today, so cram everything in a week," Chifuyu said to Ichika.

"But Nee-" She smacks him before he could continue, "But that thickness in a week is a little-" He said holding his head.

"I am not asking," Orimura said interrupting him, "Get it done."

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Chifuyu berating Chibi Y/N~


"YES! Another break!" I said raising my hands in the air in an excited manner.

"May I have a moment?" asks a female voice. Both Ichika and I turn our heads to the right, to see a blonde girl.

 Both Ichika and I turn our heads to the right, to see a blonde girl

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Male In a Female World [Male!Reader x Infinite Stratos]Where stories live. Discover now