Cherish Your Friends

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Obiyuki Week 2017, Day Five: Cherish

Title: Cherish Your Friends

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in this fan-fiction except my horrible grammar and writing skills. All of the characters or cities mentioned in this fan-fiction belong to Akiduki Sorata unless said otherwise. Any references to real people or places are purely coincidental.

Synopsis: When Obi first comes to Lilias to watch over Shirayuki and Ryuu, she starts to keep to herself. While everyone tries to talk to her to see what's worrying her, she waves their worries away and tells them she's fine. Only one person can tell that's a lie; Obi. What will happen when he confronts her about this?

"Huh? You'll be staying with us for the duration of our stay?"

Obi nodded in confirmation. "Master saw that I wanted to stay with you, so he ordered me to be here. I'll be watching over you two for his sake."

Though that was only half the truth, he kept the other half to himself. No use bothering her with my feelings.

Shirayuki blinked, then narrowed her eyes slightly. "I see. Well, I need to go do my work, so feel free to stay here, if you'd like."

He watched over them from afar as all the herbalists and botanists gathered around to share their new findings. In the end, they still couldn't figure out the cure to the disease, even with a faded book telling them about it.

"Let's just call it a day," Shidan said as he dismissed everyone. "You all have worked hard, but I'm sorry we haven't gotten any closer to finding the cure."

Yuzuri gave him an optimistic smile. "Don't worry! I'm sure we'll find it soon!"

Suzu rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure we will."

Shirayuki headed for the door. "See you all tomorrow. If you need me, I'll be in my room."

Everyone was silent as they watched her close the door softly behind her.

"Is she okay?" Yuzuri asked with worry.

Suzu shrugged. "I don't know, and honestly, I don't care. If you care so much, ask her yourself."

With that, everyone went their separate ways to spend the rest of their day relaxing.

Shirayuki closed the door to her room softly, bending down next to her bed to grab her personal box of items. Right now, she was feeling more homesick than she ever felt before, and she needed her most treasured souvenirs to cheer her up.

Her hand immediately closed around the bookmark Zen gave her, and she found comfort in just holding it. It was like holding a piece of his heart.

Her hand clutched the bookmark more tightly as she tried to gain control of her thoughts. I'll see him soon... I just have to get through these two years and I'll be fine...

She suddenly felt a chill begin to envelop her, and she turned around to see its source.

"O-Obi?!" She stammered, hurriedly getting up and rushing towards the balcony railing Obi was crouching on. "Why are you here?!"

He leaped down from his crouching position, landing skilfully on the floor beside her. "We were all worried about you, so I was sent to come and see what was wrong. Are you okay?"

She waved him off. "For the most part, I am. I've just been feeling a little homesick since you've come since I know Zen ordered you to stay here with me..."

Obi didn't think he could handle looking at her directly without telling her the truth so instead, he glanced at her hands, seeing that she was clutching something rather tightly. "Is that the bookmark Master gave you on your trip around Joka?"

She slowly nodded her head. "Yep. I always keep my most precious gifts tucked away safely."

He raised an eyebrow in mischief. "What else do you have hidden?"

The red-head walked back to her collection of souvenirs, him following close behind. When they both bent down to look at them, Obi was surprised. He tentatively reached inside the box and pulled out the hair ornament he gave her after winning it in that tournament.

"You kept this?" He barely managed to utter out as he rubbed it between his two fingers.

She nodded. "Yep. It was my first gift from you, and the first time Zen complimented me appearance-wise How could I just leave it behind?"

A smile played on his lips. "I didn't think you'd actually treasure it... after all, I only meant to give it to you to annoy Master. Nonetheless, I'm glad you kept it."

She gingerly took it from his hand and clutched it in her hand. "It wasn't for nothing. I plan on wearing it again whenever I have the chance. It's too special to be thrown away."

Her knight placed a hand on her own, squeezing it slightly. "I'd love to see that on you again."

Shirayuki began to blush under his touch, and he quickly tried to remedy it. "I-I mean, I'm sure Master would like to see that on you again, too! After all, he complimented you on it, right?"

She nodded. "Y-Yeah, he did..."

Obi pulled his hand away from hers, though he didn't want to, and sat next to her. "What I'm trying to say is that we all miss each other, but we will always care about one another. No matter how far the distance is, we'll always be friends, right?"

The red-head nodded, giving him a wide smile. "Yep!"

A/N: AGGGHHH, Obi nearly killed me with this one! I can't help but want to squeal when Obi acts cute. He's honestly my favourite character to write about, and I don't mind having to write about him in the least. xD

On a slightly different note, If you want me to make another one-shot concerning the Obiyuki or Zenyuki pair, feel free to ask or request me for it! I'll be glad to do it, granted that I have any free time. xD

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