Chapter eleven; poppy

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"Blue please, shh." he said grabbing my shoulders and pushing me to the corner of the room.
"Sorry..but..i just don't understand.." I said trying my best to stay neutral.
"Listen blue, if I stay, where would I even live for 7 month-"
"You could live with me! with me!!" I cut him off
"Your crazy." he said
"No riv i'm being serious, my parents would mind my helping a friend. Right?" I said flirtatiously.
"Okay, if they let me, i'll stay." He said with a grin.
He looked deep into my eyes.
His perfect ocean blue, green eyes pacing back and forth to each of mine.
He smirked at me and pulled me towards him.
his big arms wrapped around my neck and my head rested perfectly on his chest.
"How about we get out of here." He said pulling back.
"Lead the way." I smiled.
Riv put his hand into mine.
We walked out together have in hand, and started down the road.
"So Mr. Rio," He looked at me in a cute suspicious way.
"Where might you be taking me?" I smirked as my nose crinkled.
"The new ice cream parlour of course my lady."
I looked up at him and smiled big.
"Your so beautiful Blue." He said as he bumped me.
I smiled.
"Your not to bad yourself." I said.
"Hey!!" He shouted.
"Race you to the ice cream place!" i spit out as i ran.
"No fair!" He yelled faintly behind me.
I burst out laughing as I slow down in front of the shop. River, right behind me.
"Very funny."
He quickly bounced to the door and held it open for me.
I love when he does that.
I looked back for him to follow.
"Hi, one strawberry milkshake with almond milk please, two straws." I said, playfully planting my fist in Rivs arm.
"Sure thing. 4 dollars please."
River quickly planted money down and told me to go grab us a table.
He's so sweet.
I sat and after Riv approached with our strawberry milkshake and two straws.
After an hour or so of drinking and talking. The sun was down so we decided to get back to the hotel. Once we were inside a scent of fresh strawberries hit me.
My vision blurred and I heard the faintest voice of my mother,
"Let's see how many strawberries you picked Blue...okay, 1,2,3,4..."
The voice faded in and out.
"Try one."
"Mommy this one is squashed a little."
"That's okay, take a bite."
It continued fading and i could here it less and less but i heard faint laughter.
"Mommy you got them all over my shirt!!"
I remembered.
It was my mom and I having a food fight with strawberries.
She grabbed me and twirled me around as we fell on the floor laughing. She sat me on her lap and tapped my nose. I smiled.
"I love you Bluebear."
I came out of the trans a bit and could feel someone holding me.
"Blue! Blue! are you okay?" I heard very faintly.
"I love you too momma." I mumbled in gibberish.
"What?" River said.
I let out a few coughs to blow it off as nothing.
River was holding me kind of slanted as i was standing.
I had fainted.
"Sorry Riv i probably just need some water..I'm fine."
I pushed away, "Alright how about we go hangout with everyone?"
I walked away to the group without an answer from him.
"Blue?!" He called for me.
I walked faster.
Meadow instantly came up to me and linked our arms. She pulled me outside and we began to walk arm, and arm.
"What the hell happened." She blurted.
I glanced at her, then the cement pavement.
"I fainted and saw my mom, Meadow."
I felt her staring at me.
"I told her so love you!!! While river was holding me!" I screamed.
I unlinked our arms and we sat on a near outdoor bench.
I palmed my hand into my forehead.
"Well, what are you gonna do?" She said.
I sat up and looked at her. She had a uncertain grin on her face.
"What to do." I mumbled.
"He must've thought i told him i loved him."
Meadow was motioning me to stop but i didn't know why. Her cheeks puffed with air and her eyes were big and her finger kept tapping me.
"What! What's so wrong with me loving someone Meadow!!!"
"oh geez" She palmed her forehead
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
oh crap. oh my god.
"Loving who." He said blankly, I refused to turn my head to face him.
I got up, didn't say a word and walked to the door to the hotel.
"Blue! What's wrong." He tried.
I heard him running behind me so I sped up.
I ran through the door and quickly to my hotel room.
I looked back and he was right behind me.
How embarrassing. I'm horrified.
I got into my room and as I was shutting my door his hand blocked it. I backed away and sat on the end of my bed.
He slowly opened the door and slipped inside, shutting it behind him.
He sat next to me and looked at me.
I slowly turned my head to him and he looked at my so lovingly my face turned pink.
I had no choice.
I put my hands behind his neck and I kissed him. It began as just a couple short kisses but it turned into passionate, in sync, and beautiful.
He grabbed my legs and carefully laid me down on my bed.
I held him close to me and he carefully kept his body on top of mine, careful not to hurt me.
my hands were on his back and i began to slowly tug at his shirt.
He grabbed it and started to pull it off as we continued kissing.
i grazed my hands on his bare back and he moved his hand down my thigh, while keeping the other cupping my cheek.
What am I doing.
He started to try and pull down my shorts and i froze.
I opened my eyes and pulled away a bit.
he looked at me and I him.
"Im sorry.."he said.
"It's okay"
My stomach was in my throat.
We sat up against the wall and i stared at the door.
He slipped his shirt back on.
"Hey what's going on," He put his hand on mine. "Was it me? I'm really sorry Blue we barely know each other I'm going to fast i'm sorry-"
"Riv, it wasn't you." I cut him off.
"It was earlier when i fainted. I saw my mother again. It's every time i'm with you, I don't know why...but your special." I said intertwining our fingers.
"It was a memory of her and I picking strawberries then having a food fight with them." I laughed a bit.
He put his other hand on my arm and stroked it.
"I heard her say I love you to me." I looked at him, my eyes watered.
"I'm so sorry blue." He pulled me into him and i laid on his chest. His arms were around me and i slowly fell asleep.
"Your safe."

yo i'm back I will b posting way more frequently, comment and let me know where u want this to go. Give me ideas :)

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