Chapter Two

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The boat rocks in a smooth rhythm along the waves, I sigh in content and love the feeling of the sun on my back and the mist in my face. I watch as Jack crawls onto my shoulder and pulls at my scarf around my head. I giggle lightly and grab him then start to tickle him hearing his little laughs and screeches. I smile widely and continue to do so until I feel him try and hold my hands back. He's just like a child.

That thought made me freeze in place making Jack clutch into my finger snapping me out of my thoughts for a moment. I shake my head lightly and let Jack go and watch as he scurried off to the large mass and ropes to climb near the sails. I sigh contently and look out near the sea but catch Elizabeth in my gaze. I raise my brows then walk over to her steadily and say as I lean over the platform.

"What's wrong Elizabeth?" She looks to me with tired stressed eyes and says with a voice I never heard her use.

"I'm just- I don't know what to do. I lost my father, I feel like I'm losing Will, and I don't like the fact that he's ignoring me." I nod then chuckle lightly and say with a smile.

"Yeah love, that's a relationship for ye. It's all stressful and you wonder if it's even worth it, but when you think of losing them. The pain is almost unbearable, it's like the sharpest sword stabbing through your chest but stopping right at the heart. Only letting the tip of the blade knick it lightly with each and every beat, not letting it heal fully ever again."

Elizabeth looks to me with a sad smile and nods in agreement. I sigh and look to the ocean, I have to cheer her up somehow. I look down to the ocean in irritation and that's when it hits me, I look to Elizabeth then to the ocean then back to Elizabeth and say with a smile.

"Elizabeth can you hand me your weapons?" Without hesitation she pulls out her guns and swords then hands them to me, I grab them and place hers and mine down on the deck then say with a smile.

"Do you have extra clothes?" She looks to me confused and nods. I smile once more and turn her making her back face the open sea. She looks to me curiously and unsure as I speak.

"Now scream while you hit the water."

"What?" With that I push her over and off the ship and hear her scream shrilly as a splash followed. I laugh lightly as I see everyone running to the edge to see the bubbles Elizabeth's body created from her fall into the water. I quickly pull off my pants and underwear that Elizabeth gave me and shimmy my shirt down so it still covers me but barely.

"Isidora! What are you doing?" Ragetti yells out surprised making everyone turn back to me and have their eyes widen in shock. I smile quickly then jump into the water while throwing my shirt and brassiere onto the deck.

My legs hit the water first and I feel as they bind together and morph into my pale tail and my gills filter the water going through my lungs. I sigh happily and dart downwards deeper into the water. I look up and see the ship sailing above me and Elizabeth floating on the other side of the ship. I dart up quickly towards where I jumped off. I feel the bubbles and water current rush past my face as I swim to the surface at break neck speed. The cool salty water becoming brighter and I close my eyes and curve my direction as I shoot out of the water. I open my eyes and watch as I fly over the ship. I laugh loudly as I see Tia Dalma holding my clothes and underwear swinging it around while laughing. The crews faces are shocked as I go back towards the edge of the ship and towards Elizabeth who is in the water. She looks up to me and laugh screams as I dive towards her. I bring my arms in front of me and feel as my fingertips pierce the water and I dive under her feeling the water rush over me once more. I see her head duck under the water and she looks at me with a smile with bubbles passing her lips. I pull a face at her and that makes her laugh making more bubbles escape, I smile at her then say underwater.

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