Band-Aids - Meet, eh, One Direction.

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Taylor's POV

    "Alice," I said as we found stood infront of the 5 boys that took over my life as well as America. "Meet, eh, One Direction."

    Her blue eyes were wide as if this wasn't real. Even in my head I thought it was fake. My body was frozen and so was hers.

   "Th- wh- is this?" She stammered.

   "Yes, babe, it's One Direction." Louis Tomlinson smiled at both of us.

   "You-u-u are Louis-s." Alice's voice stuttered.

   "I am," Louis smiled widely. "This is Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn."

   "Hi." She said still with wide eyes.

   "I think this is yours." Zayn replied making me snap out of my thoughts. He held out my phone and I gave him his. I noticed my screensaver was different. It was Louis and Niall with funny faces and Harry sneaking up in the background. "Sorry, couldn't keep them away."

   "No, no it's alright." I smiled.

   "What, huh?" Alice said.

   "We accidentally switched phones." I whispered to her.

   "Oh." She replied quietly.

  The silence grew upon us until someone came and motioned us to sit. I was seated by the window with Zayn on my other side and then Harry on his side with an empty seat by Harry. Infront of me was Alice, then Liam, then Niall and then Louis.

    We buckled in our seats and the plane had it's take off. I've been on planes many of times as I always went to visit my grandparents in California every year with my dad. I loved landing but hated take off. It felt like my body was 5 times heavier than before. It feels like it's glued to the seat so I always have to lift my legs to get the feeling back in it.

   The flight attendant's talked on the intercom about safety stuff and what will happen if something goes wrong. That always paranoid me. It's not good to talk about the plane crashing and you falling to you death as you are sitting right in that area.

   I leaned down and grabbed my bag and pulled out a book which happened to be Twilight.

   I started to read but couldn't as I felt eyes on me as I flipped through the pages. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I looked up and saw Alice giving me the weirdest look ever and Zayn looking over my shoulder reading as well.

   "Can I help you?" I asked Alice.

  "What is wrong with you?" She whispered.

  "What are you talking about?" I whispered.

   She motioned her eyes towards her phone and I picked my phone up. She wanted to text me.

How could you be reading while we are sitting right by One Direciton?!

    I sighed. 

 I can't breathe.

   She read it and started to laugh but covered her mouth. I put my hand on my forehead to stop from laughing.

   "Something is going on." Louis smirked.

   "Nope." Alice perked.

   "We should get to know you guys." Liam replied.

   "I like Twilight." I answered holding my book and biting my finger.

   "We can tell," Liam smirked. "What about a game?"

    "Like what?" Zayn asked.

   "What about Never Have I?" Alice suggested.

  "Sure, why not?" Niall cheered. I tried to hide a smile but I kind of failed. None of them really noticed except Alice.

    "I'll go first," Liam replied as we all put 10 fingers up. "Never have I smoked."

    Zayn, Alice and Niall put a finger down.

    "Never have I painted my nails," Niall smirked.

    Alice and I groaned as one finger went down for her and I. 

    "Never have I waxed." Louis replied.

    Niall, Alice and I put a finger down. 

    "Never have I," Harry said putting his finger on his chin as he thought. "Puked in public."

    Liam and I were the only ones to put our fingers down.

    "Never have I," Zayn paused. "Dated a guy."

    "Rude!" Alice yelled as we both put a finger down.

    "Never have I dated a girl." I smirked.

    All the boys groaned as Alice and I smiled in revenge. They all put a finger down and I yawned.

    "Never have I cheated." Liam replied

    My heart dropped almost like a wine glass. You could almost hear the little pieces breaking off and landing onto the ground. I gulped loudly and suddenly all their eyes were on me.

   "I-I-I have to go, I'll be b-back." I stammered as I quickly unbuckled and ran off towards the bathroom.

    I shut the door loudly and stood by the door. My back was pressed against it and I looked up towards the ceiling hoping it'd stop the crying but it didn't.

    Tears started to fall and slide down my face and plaster onto the ground. I felt my knees give up so I quickly slid down the door and crumple onto the ground.

     I didn't cheat. I mean, it was complicated. I was in the best relationship I could ask for yet it was more difficult than others as he was a world known celebrity and popstar that millions of girl were falling head over heels for. 

     It felt almost like an hour of me crying but checking the time it's been 4 minutes. I felt someone's presence waiting outside the door.

   Someone started to knock and I jumped up to wipe my eyes.

   "Taylor?" Zayn asked. "Hey, are you okay?"

   "Yeah, I'm fine." I croaked.

    "Babe, you can't lie that well." He smirked.

    "No, go." I replied. "I'm fine."

    "Just let me in." He said taking no for an answer.

    I unlocked the door and he quickly slipped into the tiny small room as the capacity was probably only 1 adult.

    "I'm fine." I smiled but really on the inside I wasn't.  

   "Your eyes are red and puffy, I know you aren't alright." He explained. 

   "I just," I said wiping my eyes. "I'm not as happy as I should be."

   "Why?" He asked as his eyes were so keen in the subject.

    "I've done things, well not me but I was caught in something that didn't seem.. right.." I tried to choke out. 

   He nodded knowing that I wasn't going to tell him anything more because it wasn't an easy subject to me. He motioned me to come out and I agreed. The others gave me sympathatic looks and so did Alice but guilt washed over me as she didn't know half of what happened.

    We soon started our game but I finally got tired and fell asleep. 

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