Band-Aids - London. Here I Come. Again.

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Outfit on the side.. like always.. does anyone even look at them.. no.. okay..

Taylor's POV

     I woke up from someone shaking me awake. I squint my eyes open to see the boys all staring down at me.

      "What?" I groaned.

      "Time to get ready love." Niall said. I nodded and jumped from the bed.

      I headed to my clothes that we're folded neatly on the shelf. I turned and notice the boys still looking at me.

      "Turn around." I said.

      They all smirked and turned but I knew they wouldn't stay like that. I strip off my shorts and pull on the midstone washed skinny jeans from TopShop. I then put on a peach vest singlet. I hear snickers behind me and see all the boys looking at me. 

      "I'm too tired to kill you guys." I said brushed out my hair.

      I kept it straight and braided it down my back. My hair was quite long so the braid fell almost to my bum. I slipped on a pair of peach flats matching my shirt. I was too lazy to add any make-up so I didn't. 

      I added a small ring and bracelet and turned to the boys.

      "Ready?" Niall said.

      "Yeah." I said grabbing my suitcase and carry on bag. I turned to Savanna who was awake from the guys. "I'm gonna miss you."

      "The time I'm back you are leaving." She said quietly.

      "I'm sorry." I answered.

      "Don't be." She chuckled. "This is the easiest thing for you. But if you need anyone just call me okay?"

      "Promise." I said.

      "Goodbye." She said.

      "Bye." I choked as the boys got my stuff and we headed to the car. I sat in the front seat with my feet up staring up at the place. Last time being in California for a while.

       London. Here I come. Again.


      Hours and hours later we finally arrived in London. We pulled up in the driveway and I stepped out getting hit by the cold air that London is known for. I shivered and wish I wore a jacket forgetting the cold air that London has to come and walked with the boys quickly inside.

       I stepped inside and set my stuff down. 

      "Erm." I said. "Who's room am I staying in? I could sleep on the couch i-"

      "NO!" They all yelled.

      "What?" I said.

     "We're not gonna make you sleep on the couch babe." Louis chuckled. "You can either share with Niall, Liam or I."

       I looked at Zayn and Harry who we're fighting back the anger.

      "Um. Louis?" I said.

      "YAY!" Louis said running for a hug. 

       "Can't breathe." I said. He let go and chuckled.

      I grabbed my suitcases but all the boys objected and took it from me dragging them upstairs. I chuckled at these weirdos. I walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge seeing that they have no food. Well, then.

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