Band-Aids - She looks.. happy..

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Harry's POV


     "Are you upset about Taylor?!"

     "Is this your new girlfriend?"

      "How do you feel about Zaylor?"

      Paprazzi yelled over and over at me as we walked the carpet for the Conner's Ball. My arm is tightly around Tanya's waist as she strutted a very small blue cock-tail dress. I had to admit she looked like a slut. 

      "Harry who is this Taylor girl?" Tanya whispered to me as we go inside.

      "An old girlfriend that is dating, erm, Zayn." I choked.

      It felt like poison in my mouth as I said it. Tanya didn't notice and soon left to the bar.

      I stood there by one of the tables.

      Soon a slow song came on and I saw a spot light shine on a couple.

      I stood up and walked over to where everyone was looking at. I regretted it right as I reached the front of the circle.

     I saw Zayn dancing with Taylor..

   Taylor looked more beautiful then ever. Her hair was just flowing as she turned. I've never seen anyone so perfect.

    I noticed Zayn singing the lyrics to hers. She almost was in tears.

    I couldn't help but notice how they stared into each other eyes.

    As the song was done everyone started clapping. Zayn set his lips to hers gently and she smiled in between the kisses.

    She looks.. happy..

    They started walked out of the dance floor and to the bar until Zayn pointed out Tanya. 

   I toughened up and walked to Tanya. I slipped my arm around her waist and kissing her lips hard.  I probably did one of the dickest moves ever.

    "Taylor, Zayn. I'd like you to meet my new girlfriend, Tanya." I said with a evil smirk. Taylor's eyes fell.

    I am such a dick. What the hell did I just do?

Zayn's POV

   I kissed her lips gently and felt her smile in between them. I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the big dancing circle.

   I looked up to the bar to see Tanya.. Harry's new girlfriend.

   "Shit." I muttered.

    "What is it?" Taylor said stopping in her tracks.

    "Her." I said pointing to the most fake looking girl EVER. "That is erm Harry's new girlfriend."

     "Oh." Taylor said. I could feel her tense up and her hand started sweating. 

     "It's okay. I don't think he's here." I said.

     But soon I saw Harry walk up to Tanya and kiss her hard. Gross. I saw Taylor's eyes fall as they walked closer.

    Oh no.

    "Taylor, Zayn. I'd like you to meet my new girlfriend, Tanya." Harry said with the dumbest smirk on his face.

    What a fucking dick.

    "Hello. It's nice meeting you." Taylor replied as nice as possible.

    I rubbed her thumb gently to calm her. She looked up to me and smile. I smiled back and felt her hand calm down. I put my arm around her waist and we looked back at Harry and Tanya.

Band-Aids (One Direction & Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now