Band-Aids - Shall We?

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outfits on the side. edited.


Taylor's POV

   We all got off the plane and there was a bit of fans there. Alice and I kind of got pushed out of the picture so we looked around for the guy waiting for us. 

   "He keeps checking me out." I said to Alice as she smirked. 

   "He's hot." She answered.

   I turn around and looked at the guy. He was tall and kind of scrawny. His blonde hair was the skater guy style and had brown streaks in it. His bright blue eyes were to die for but not as amazing as Niall's. He smiled and his teeth were perfectly straight and pearling white. He had a tux with a bow tie, which I personally like better than ties.

   I had to admit he was kind of cute but then again One Direction was standing right by us and no one could go to their level of sexiness.

  "Babe," Zayn said which snapped me out of my trance. "You could just ride with us in the van. We have enough room. We'll drop you off at the hotel you are staying at or you can stay with us. 

   "Uh." I hesitated. "Okay. But you gotta go tell the guy."

   He looked over at him and smirked. He started walking over there with some swag in his walk which was sexier than ever.

   Finally after about 2 minutes Zayn came back with a huge grin.

   "C'mon, babe." He said. He put his hand at the small of my back and I turned to look at the other guy. He winked and shrugged. I smiled and headed with Zayn, Gwen and the rest of the lads.

    We all got pushed past fans that weren't let into the airport. Security showed up and we found out that it was difficult to hang out with celebrities. We finally got in the car and Niall spoke.

   "Do you girls just wanna stay at our place?" 

   I looked to Alice and we exchanged glances.

   "Where will we sleep?" I asked.

   "With me!" Harry and Zayn yelled in unison. They suddenly started bickering about it.

   We got it all arranged as Alice and I would switch off with the boys since they live in the same complex just different rooms. 

   "We should like go out tonight!" Alice suggested.

   "It can be our first date." Harry joked as he winked at me. 

   "You wish." I chuckled. 

   We pulled up to their place and stepped out.

   "I'll take that." Niall said as he grabbed my black and white polka-dot suitcase.

   "I will stay at Niall's place first." I announced to Niall, Zayn and Harry. Zayn and Harry pouted. "Then Zayn. Then you cheeky chap."

  I winked to Harry and he laughed. Niall and I walked to his apartment.

  "Get ready and we can head out." Liam said.

  "Wait, Taylor. You have to come and do my hair!" Alice yelled.

  "Pick out your outfit and head to Niall's place and I'll do it." I said. She nodded and headed into Liam's.

  Niall put his arm around my waist and we walked in. The place was huge for an apartment.

  "Wow." I said.

  "Here." He said handing me my suitcase. "You can go change in my room or the bathroom."

   I headed to his room. I shut the door and locked it. I set my suitcase on the bed and grabbed some outfits to see what I wanted to wear. 

    I slipped off my clothing and grabbed a red lace dress. I pulled it onto my body and it reached my mid-thigh. I unlocked the door and headed to the bathroom. I brushed out my hair and it was it's straight and boring brunette locks. I put a black pearl bracelet on my wrist as I added some make-up. 

   "Taylor. It's Alice, open up." I heard Alice yell as she knocked on the bathroom door.

   "It's unlocked." I replied.

    She walked in and smiled. 

    "I love your dress!" She replied. 

   "Really? Thanks!" I said. 

   She had two outfits in her hand. A pink lace dress like mine yet it was short sleeved and a pale pink dress that reached the ground almost.

    "The lace one." I answered.

   She smiled and walked to the seperated half of the bathroom where the toilet was. She closed the door and changed quickly as I finished my make-up and got some hair stuff for her.

    She walked out and I make her sit on a chair that was hidden under the sink. I brushed out her dirty blonde hair that was naturally curly. She didn't exactly like it but it was pretty to me.

    I started to french braid it as she spoke.

   "So," She smirked. "How is living with Niall?"

   "Uh, it's been 10 minutes." I replied.

   "Still!" She replied.

   "Well," I said. "It's nice."


    "Okay, okay! It's like perfect." I replied.

    "Don't go too cray cray with him tonight." She winked.

    I shook my head as I formed a bun in the back of her head. I added a crystalized hair bow on the top of the bun. 

   "Finished?" She asked. I nodded and we grabbed some extra stuff. I had some black shoes that were almost like flats with about a two inch heel as Alice decided on her white cat flats. We both grabbed clutches that matched our outfits. 

   "Niall?" I said as I walked out to find the room empty.

  "Oh he headed to the Louis and Harry's place with Zayn and Liam also." Alice replied. I nodded and we walked about two rooms down and opened the door.

  "Hurry up, the girls will be here any min-" Harry said cutting himself short as he ran down the stairs. He looked at Alice then to me. He looked up and down at me and smiled.

  "What?" I said worried.

  "Nothing. You both look beautiful." He said. He walked towards me and pulls me into a hug. He kisses my cheek and I can feel his warm breath on my ear. "Your friend looks good but you look better."

  I pushed him away and laughed.

  "Wow." I said and laughed. The other boys came running down the stairs and they all stopped looking at Alice and I.

  "You girls look amazing!" Niall said. He winked at me and I blushed.

  "Shall we?" Zayn said as he walked towards me. He held out his arm.

  "We shall." I said and hooked our arms together. We walked to the car and Zayn opened the door for me. I laughed and slid in between Zayn and Harry. 

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