Chapter nine: the fight with the witch bitch

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(3rd person p.o.v.)
Target destroyed, ma'am. The person on the radio said once they had saw that the chopper had crashed and went up in smoke. Thank you. Now get me off this roof. Amanda said.Yes, ma'am.We are inbound. Soldier on Radio said Amanda turned towards the other prisoners to address them.
The Joker, Harley Quinn & Wildheart are no more. Amanda said coldly to them. You couldnt save them.CB said to Deadshot sadly.Roger.I see ya. Soldier on Radio. Watch your step. Ma'am. Flag said as he helped her up onto the chopper. Stand by. I'll send another helo! Amanda told them then she closed the door to the chopper and the chopper took off.
(Harley p.o.v.)
Me and Nikki were just sitting on top of a car just trying to comfort each other with the lost of Mr.J when we hear footsteps of people coming. So we turn around just to see that it's the rest of our friends we look at each other and smiled then we looked towards them and smiled at them. Hey, guys. We're back! We missed you all so much. We said together we a somewhat forced smile on our faces. We're glad you guys could make it. Floyd said as he threw Nikki's bat at her she catches it with one hand. Hey crazinesses. CB said as he threw my bat to me I too catch mine with one hand. So let me guess. Were going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky. you know, 'cause why wouldn't we When does this end, Flag? Floyd asked. Load up. Were in for a fight. Flag said as we begin to walk away but Floyd walks to the crashed chopper to get Amanda's stuff why I have no clue it's not like she'll be needing it any time soon or at all. All the sudden a binder is being thrown at flags head just barely missing him making flag turn around to face Floyd. You tell everybody everything. Or me and you are gonna go right now. Floyd said pissed off and mean pissed off what the hell is about and what could it been so bad that has put him in a pissed off mood.
Three days ago, a non- human entity appeared in the subway station. Flag started to explain.
(3rd person p.o.v.)
Waller, were almost there. So Waller sent me and a woman with incredibles abilities. Flag said as him and pretty intelligent looking woman walked under ground to place a bomb under the subway station right were the creature was standing or at least should be standing. Enchantress the woman said then she turned into goddess like woman with barely anything on to cover her but a what looks like a bikini or maybe more like a belly dancer outfit. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing ...but the witch could. Bombs ready. Set for two seconds. You just press the button and drop it. Needless to say the whole thing was a bad idea. She bolted! Flag said to Amanda. Shit! Amanda said into her earpiece. Brother help me. The witch said.
End of flashback
And thats how she escaped from Waller. So now you know. Flag said with his head down in shame well he should he shouldn't have kept that from us criminals or not we should have the right to know what we're risking our life's for. You can just kill me right now ...but I'm going to have a drink. Floyd said then he heads into the bar. hey! Deadshot, I need your help. Flag pleaded. No, sir. You need a miracle. Floyd said wile we all went into the bar we all had some type of drink well Diablo and Nikki had a non alcohol drink wile the rest of us had ether a beer or whisky or something like that. Heres to honor among thieves Floyd said as he rase up his glass for a toast. Im not a thief. Katana said as took her drink and sat down.
Oh.Shes not a thief. Well, we almost pulled it off ...Despite what everybody thought. Worst part of it is, theyre gonna blame us for the whole thing. And they cant have people knowing the truth. Were the patsies. The cover-up. Dont forget, were the bad guys. For about two sweet seconds ...I had hope. Floyd said then he downed his drink. You had hope huh? Hope dont stop the wheel from turning, my brother. Diablo said. You preaching? Floyd asked.
Its coming back around for you. How many people you killed, man? Diablo asked ooh wrong question to ask there's the people that love to bragging about their killings or their robbery's that pulled. Then there's the people that aren't so happy about what they did but it's the only thing the got going for them. So they continue to do what they do you know what they say old habits die hard. You dont ask nobody no question like that, ese. Floyd said
You aint ever whacked down no women. No kids. Diablo said. I don't kill women and children. Floyd said
I do. See, I was born with the Devils gift. I kept it hidden most of my life, but ... The older I got, the stronger I got. So I started using it. for business, you know The more power on the street I got ... The more firepower I got. Like that shit went hand in hand. You know? One was feeding the other. Aint nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. You know, she used to pray for me. Diablo said

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