Chapter 18

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Annabelle Vetro just updated her status:

I feel bad for not updating enough (or at all) but here's something to enjoy!

0 likes (Cause people are mad that I didn't update!)


Kenzie: How dare you not update!


Clary just updated her status:

Today is national be girl day!

Maia Roberts, Annabelle Vetro, Jace Herondale and 273 others like this.

Comments: (imagine annoying voices)

Maia: Like oh my gosh, what shade of purple looks better on me?

Annabelle: Like, totally plum!

Clary: Nah, more like a violet.

Magnus: purple does not suit you Hun. *Snaps fingers sassily and struts off.*

Alec: Magnus is right, pink suits you waaaay more.

Maia: Uhhhh okay...


Isabelle Lightwood just updated her status:

I need more clothes, mine are all worn out!

Clary Fray, Maia Roberts, Annabelle Vetro and 193 others like this.


Simon: Good idea, get rid of all your old clothes-leather-and get new better clothes that aren't so-leather-black!

Isabelle: I was going to but leather though! It makes me look sexy, no?

Simon: it does.. I'll stop complaining now

Annabelle: you need a new dress for when you go to Pandemonium, that one seems a little too.. classy.

Clary: I think so too, when I first saw you I thought you were a ghost!

Kenzie: I liked the dress

Annabelle: oh hush Kenzie

Maia: Aside from the Pandemonium dress, you should get some nice boots. I like the ones you have now, but they're worn out too...

Jordan: Does us matter about clothes? I seriously don't know why girls fuss over fashion.

Isabelle: Fashion is for a girls self esteem level. If they don't feel beautiful of comfortable in their own clothes then they don't feel beautiful at all!

Simon: you don't just roll out of bed looking great, do you Jordan?

Jace: I do ;D

Clary: Of course you do *Rolls eyes*


Alec Lightwood just updated his status;

I honestly wonder what we would be doing if we were mundanes...

Annabelle Vetro, Kenzie Herondale, Clary Fray and 8284 others like this.


Annabelle: You guys would be working at McDonalds

Jace: What's McDonalds?

Kenzie: One of the highest selling fast food restaurants in the world!

Magnus: Greasy meat? I'm good. *Disgusted face*

Clary: I would probably be an artist, cause that's what I did before I met Jace.

Jordan: I would be an... I don't know.

Kenzie: you'd be an I don't know? I for think that's a thing. Let me rephrase that, I know that isn't a thing.

Annabelle: I think he would be a great FBI agent or spy cause he faked being 'Kyle' and Simon fell for it.

Simon: Not my fault, the guys a good actor. Anyways, I would still be in my band and I'd be travelling the world. The only reason we aren't now is cause.. out name sucks.

Clary: What's your name now?

Simon: The Restless Mushrooms.

Annabelle: Oh jeez


Magnus just updates his status.

Thinking about dying my hair! What colour?

Annabelle Vetro, Alec Lightwood, Clary Fray and 172848278274 others like this.

(I bet you were all too lazy to read that number ADMIT IT!)


Annabelle: Greeeen!

Alec: I like it the way it is!

Magnus: Sorry bæ, but I'm not satisfied with blue!

Clary: Red would be awesome!

Kenzie: PURPLEEE!!!

Maia: Or fluorescent pink haha.

I'm sorry I haven't updated!!! I just got wifi at school today! Sorry if this is bad its late! I just started high school too and yeah...

I developed a crush in the first day *blushes*. I haven't met him before, but it seems like I've seen him somewhere. In my dreams. Who said that? Lol. Anyways my other crush that I haven't had for a while has been re sparked. NOT GOOD.

ANOTHER THING! A grade 11 is hitting on my friend lol.

If you recommended to be in this book message me, I have a really bad memory and deleted all my emails from wattpad! just message me your name and something you'd like to say in the story.

Also, I think I should write one of the comment sections like a real story not a Facebook thing. COMMENT WHAT ONE AND I WILL DO IT!

I got requests for different crossovers I do not have any time or that just yet cause my friend is going to help me.



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