Pulling Apart

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Summary: Dean and the reader's friendship has been straining since he got the mark. This time, he goes too far during their argument and says something hurtful.

Warnings: Spoilers for after 9x11 but before 9x21, and mention of a porn magazine


"Dean," I walked into my friend's room without knocking. "Where'd you put my laptop; I need it."

"I dunno. I told Sam to give it to you." Dean didn't even look up at me and continued looking at his magazine.

I crossed my arms in annoyance, "I shouldn't have to get it from Sam when you are the one I lent it to."

"It doesn't matter now, does it?" He looked up at me finally. "Just go get it and forget about it."

I didn't know what got into me, but I walked over to him and pulled the magazine from his hands. "What's with the attitude Dean?"

Dean frowned up at me, "Look who's talking! I'm just trying to read my magazine in peace! You're the one who waltzed in here only to give me crap about your stupid laptop!"

"Well I wasn't raising my voice about it!" I looked down at the magazine in my hands, only to be disgusted by the images on the cover. "Really, Dean? You want to read a porn magazine in peace?"

"I'm a grown man and can do what I want." He eyed the magazine, "Give it back."

Without warning, I ripped the magazine down the middle, knowing full well it would just tick Dean off.

Dean instantly stood up and I took an instinctive step back, not expecting the sudden burst of anger. I knew it would tick him off, but the look on his face did not convey annoyance, but rage. If I'm being honest, it scared me.

"You know what? I'm done." He got closer to me. I knew he would never hurt me, but he was bigger than me and could be very intimidating regardless. "I'm done with you, and all the crap you've given me the past few days. Done."

I stepped back further, but he kept making up the space and getting closer again. "Dean-"

"I'm still talking!" He raised his voice and I flinched. He ignored it. "Are you happy now? That you've finally got me to this point? Well congrats. Your plan worked. So screw you. Screw you and your stupid plan."

What had gotten into him? With the exception of a few moments ago, I hadn't been purposely antagonizing him. It just seemed like whenever I spoke to him, I could feel the tension between us. He'd be short with me and in return, I'd be short with him. The tension was pulling our friendship apart. What had changed?

Dean backed me into the wall and got close to my face. He was really scaring me now. "You should never have come here."

My eyes widened at his words, the hurt behind them sinking in, "You... you don't mean that." I looked into his eyes, searching for something to tell me he was lying. All I found was the same anger and rage. "I thought you were better than this, Dean."

He backed away instantly, realizing what he'd said, "Y/N, I..."

I walked to the door with tears in my eyes. "No, stop. What's said can't be unsaid. You've done your damage. I'm sorry to say I liked you."

I didn't give him any time to respond. I left his room, running down the hall, letting the tears fall down my face.

I bumped into Sam along the way, causing us both to fall to the ground.

"Whoa, Y/N. What's the rush?" He got up and reached out a hand to help me up. It took one look at my face for him to figure out something was wrong. "Y/N? What's wrong? What happened?"

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