Cats are beginning to wonder why I've been getting fatter. I keep on saying that i've just been eating plenty, but I know they don't believe me. It's beginning to become colder and prey becoming harder to find now in leaf-bare.

"Moonmist? What if we don't kit around the same time?" Nightstar says

"I won't let anyone visit your kits until my kits are here.. are you ok with that?" I ask

"Yes, I'm totally fine with that" She says

"Nightstar? can I speak with you for a minute? Moonmist, you can stay here" Willowfoot says

"What is it, Willowfoot?" Nightstar asks

"I'm expecting kits with Skyfeather.. So I can't lead the clan.." She says

"That's wonderful news! I think I'll be ok to lead for know." Nightstar says. Then, I say her scrutch up her face and moan in pain

"Nightstar? what's wrong?" Willowfoot says, worry in her eyes

"The kits.. there coming" She choked out

"Willowfoot, grab me a few sticks and wet moss.. will you?" I order

"Ok!" She says rushing out of camp to find some sticks.

"Just breath. In and out" I say calmly

"This.. is so painful" She says, moaning in pain again. Oh starclan.. I wonder what it feels like to kit.. hopefully not this bad...

"Ok, When Willowfoot comes back with a stick, bite it whenever you feel pain. Ok?" I say

"Okay!" She says, groaning in pain again

"I got the stick and wet moss!" Willowfoot says

"Here" I say passing the stick and wet moss to Nightstar

"Just keeping pushing and breathing" I say. I get the response of Nightstar moaning in pain

"I see it's head, Just keep pushing and breathing" I say

"a Tom-kit!" I say licking it

"Anymore?" Nightstar asks. I already told Willowfoot about my.. kit plan so.. that's good.

"No." I say after feeling her stomach "What're you going to name it?" I ask motioning my tail towards the ginger tom-kit

"I think I'll name him Flamekit.. after his father, Flameflight.. who died in the big battle" Nightstar says. Wait.. This means I'll kit soon! oh starclan...

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