I wake up to a unbearable pain in my stomach. I'm kitting! Oh no! I grab Willowfoot and we go into the forest, away from Thunderclan. We finally find a big rock and I lay against it

"Ok.. Get me a stick and.. Wet moss.." I say, moaning in pain

"Ok!" She says, running to find a stick and wet moss. I moan in pain as I see the first kits head

"Moonmist?" Someone calls

"Whose there?" I ask

"It's me, Nightstar" She says

"Whose watching Flamekit?" I ask

"Mothbriar." She replys

"It's a She-kit" Nightstar says. By this time, Willowfoot is back with a few sticks and some wet moss. I bite down hard on the stick as I see the next one's head

"another she-kit!" Nightstar says, placing the wriggling she-kit at my belly. I see another kit's head just as Nightstar says,

"a Tom-kit!" She says

"Annddd another she-kit!" Willowfoot says. I look at the wriggling kits at my belly, Sadness overcomes me as the thought of giving them away

"What will you name them?" Nightstar asks

"Well, This Tortoiseshell she-kit I want to name Dappledkit, and This silver tabby she-kit, Chippedkit. This dark gray tom Fernkit and This dark gray tabby she-kit Mintkit." I say

"I'll help you bring them back to camp. everyone should still be sleeping" Nightstar says. I grab Fernkit's scruff while Willowfoot grabs Dappledkit and Nightstar grabs Mintkit. I place Chippedkit on my back and we begin to walk back to camp. When we got back to camp, I gave the kits to Nightstar and went and chewed up some parsley. I looked at the kits sadly. Well, atleast i'll always be in their lives....

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