phone number: 004

133 4 9

" see ya "

" see ya "

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"naeun, i told you i can't!" sohye screeched

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"naeun, i told you i can't!" sohye screeched.

"yes, you can! now go over and talk to him."

"h-hey, stop pushing me! naeun, naEUN, nO NAEUN, please no-"

"you'll thank me later, sohye."

"just let me go in a practice room with jisung for a second. he wanted to me to listen to a new song he's been working on."


"pleaseeeee. he's a good friend of mine."

"ugh, fine. i'll give you five minutes."

"your can come drag me out when it's time."


"that sounds amazing, jisung," sohye smiled.

"thanks! i've been working hard at it. can you review the file and score for it later?" jisung asked.

"yeah, i gotchu. i'm pretty sure you don't even need my editing, though."

"alright, thanks. i just wanna make sure everything sounds and looks alright."

"no proble-"

naeun abruptly swung open the practice room door and made her presence known.

"sohye, time's up!"

"hey jisung, sohye promised to do something with me earlier. i'm just going to borrow her for a moment, okay?"


jisung was unable to finish his phrase before naeun grabbed sohye by the arm, dragged her out of the practice room, and slammed the door.

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