Chapter 3

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It's been three days since James told me he's coming to Australia. He told me that he's arriving in Sydney on the 24th of May, which is in two days. I still haven't told him that I've decided to meet him and he hasn't pestered me about it.

He has been dropping hints though, that he has an idea of where I live. I know I should be freaked out but somehow it doesn't concern me too much.

Tonight, I'm going to tell him. I'm set on meeting him, I really want to. I just hope and pray that Alexis is wrong about him being a creep and all. Speaking of which, I picked up my phone and dialled her number. I should tell her first before I tell him.


"Hey Lex, you got a few minutes to spare?" I asked.

"Oh hey, Luc! Of course! Anything for m'lady," she giggled into the phone.

"Ok cool. Well, Lex, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to meet him," I said, the words rushing out of my mouth.

"Oh, you mean James? Go for it hun! It's not every day you get to meet your prince charming," she said lightly.

My breath caught on my throat. I cleared it before going on, "Excuse me?! Who are you and what have you done to my Alexis?"

She laughed loudly, "Lucy! You heard me right! Go for it." She said it slowly, like I'm a five-year-old. "I know I disapproved before but now, I think, why not?"

I still couldn't believe it. "What changed your mind? What if he's a creep?"

"Luc, you're the one that was so keen on meeting him! As your best friend, I'm here to support. Besides, I don't think he's a creep."

"Wow, thanks Lex! Anyway, I'll let you know what else is going on but I need to tell him now before he falls asleep."

She laughed again, "Atta girl, Luc. Cya later!"

I laughed with her, "Bye Lexi!"

The line went dead and immediately, I logged on to the site. I breathed a sigh of relief to see he's still online.

Mase101: Jay! When and where do I meet you?

Irish93: WOOHOO! You finally agreed! I thought you'd never ask, Liz!

I laughed, such a hyper kid.

Mase101: Haha, chill out, kiddo. I still have suspicions.

Irish93: Oh do you, now? ;) Kidding.. But just to reassure you that I'm not a creep, we'll meet somewhere public with lots of people.

Mase101: How do you know where I live, again?

Irish93: I have connections, safe and sure ones, though. Hahah, I swear I'm not a stalker.

Mase101: Haha, doesn't sound convincing to me, but because I'm an idiot, I still agree to meet you.

Irish93: Better not back out on that, Liz. I'm counting on you. :D

Mase101: No backing out here, James. Now details?

Irish93: Hmm, I still have to confirm them. Tell you what, when I land in Sydney, I'll message you then with all the details you need.

Mase101: Sounds good. Btw, how're you going to know it's me?

Irish93: You sent me a picture, remember? Besides, no one else is as pretty as you. I'm sure I'll find you easy.

I blushed behind my screen. Thank god he can't see me.

Mase101: Very flattering, J.

Irish93: I'm Irish, love, what do you expect? Haha :P Anyway, I'm gonna hit the sack. I'm knackered!

Mase101: Haha, alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow then?

Irish93: Nah, sorry, love. I'm gonna be busy for the next two days. I won't be able to talk to you till I land in Sydney.

My heart sunk.

Mase101: :( No James to talk to?

Irish93: Haha, you'll survive, love. I'll talk to you soon. Be good, alright? Xx

I rolled my eyes, then I remembered he couldn't see me.

Mase101: Sure thing dad. Haha kidding, talk to you soon, James. Have a safe flight over! Xx

He logged out so I did too. I suddenly felt giddy, I'm both excited and nervous about meeting him. Either way, I can't get him off my mind.

We'll be in the same country soon, I thought. Sydney's his first stop, it's a state away from me. When I asked him why, he dismissed it as a work related matter. He still hasn't told me what his work involved. It puzzled me, I mean, what kind of a nineteen-year-old works full time?!

Anyway, I live in Brisbane, a mere 1000km away from Sydney. Another question nagged at me, how could he possibly know where I live? I've recalled numerous times the things he knows about me and I don't remember telling him where I live. We agreed on no personal details.

Again, when I ask him how he knows, he reassures me that he has connections. What kind of connections? Exactly who is he anyway?

Just tonight, he said we'd meet in a public area to prove to me that he's not a creep. It gives me some comfort knowing that he's willing to do that because that does prove that he doesn't intend to kidnap me or something.

Already, I wish the days would fly by so I can talk to him again. I'll sure miss that funny boy. Even if it's just two days. Have I gotten too attached? I hope not.

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