Chapter 52

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According to the constant people rushing around me, it’s been a week. A whole week had passed since the crash and I’ve had no progress on movements or sight. No one knows exactly how I’m feeling, they only judge by the numbers the screens are giving them. I feel miserable and so, so useless. I just want to move and talk and eat and smile, I just want to live again.

As promised, Niall never left me except for short shower breaks. He practically lived beside me for the past week and I’m scared that he’s not getting enough sleep or not eating enough. The boys have been taking turns in staying the night with Niall to make sure that we’re both doing ok. They were supposed to go back to work today but Niall blankly refused and so did the rest of the boys. From what I heard, management wasn’t so happy but they got another week off anyway. I’m being such a burden, I’m keeping them from work, and they’ve stopped their lives for me, especially Niall.

Tonight, it was Louis’ turn to stay with Niall and I know it’s night time because I can feel Niall’s even and steady breaths on my arm. He was asleep and since there was no other noise in the room, I figured Louis was sleeping too. Like I have done every day for the past week, I fought to stay awake because I’m scared that if I slip into unconsciousness, I won’t wake up again and that would mean breaking my promise to Niall. Instead, I forced myself to move a body part. I tried and tried again but there was still no response. I felt like my brain was disconnected from my body, like I didn’t belong anymore and I’m fighting back, I want to become myself again, whole and alive. Injuries didn’t matter, I just wanted to move.

It felt like hours later and still, I’ve achieved nothing. Anger was boiling inside me, how can I be so damn useless? With an inward grunt, I tried once more to move something. There was reaction. I felt it, it was just a small tingling sensation in my arm but I felt it. Encouraged now, I tried again, I willed myself to move and there it was, just a little sensation but it motivated me to keep going. The more I tried, the more persistent the feeling became and I thought for a moment that I could feel my eyelids shifting as well.

I don’t know how long I’ve been trying but my head was hurting from exerting so much force. I gave up momentarily and felt Niall shift his head on my arm. The feeling of his warm head pleased me and I gave it one more go. Concentrate, I thought. You got this.

Darkness met my eyes and for a second, I thought that I’d slipped into the void that I was so afraid of but I haven’t. My eyes really have opened up and the darkness surrounding me was just because it was still night and the lights were off. It took a while for my eyes to adjust but when it did, I identified Niall’s slim figure beside me and Louis’ body lying down on the far end of the room. I tried turning my head to the side but it seemed that I was still incapable of the action so I settled for just looking around as far as my eyes can see to familiarise myself with the room.

I felt Niall stir once again and my eyes shot to him and was surprised to see him lifting his head. What met my eyes scared me though, his face wasn’t the same as what I remember from the last time I saw him. His eyes were sunken, there were deep bags under his eyes and his cheeks were sallow. Even in the dark, I could tell that he was much paler than last time and his hair was a complete mess. It scared me to see him so disarrayed and so… unhealthy. It wasn’t normal.

His groggy eyes landed on mine and they widened, eyebrows rising in alarm.

“Lucy?” he whispered.

Yes, Niall, it’s just me. I still couldn’t speak so I resorted to blinking instead. I don’t think he understood me but he kept his gaze on my open eyes, like he couldn’t believe I was awake. With one hand, he stroked my hair gently and I closed my eyes again, enjoying his touch.

“No, don’t go.” I opened my eyes. “Oh good,” he sighed with relief. “You kept your promise, baby. Oh I love you so much.” He smiled and kissed my lips. The heart monitor jumped slightly and he glanced at it and chuckled softly. Tears spilled down my cheeks, his laugh is so endearing and even that small smile makes me so happy.

“What’s wrong, Luc? Why are you crying? Does something hurt? Should I call the nurse?” He was fussing over me, his smile suddenly dropping, replaced by a frown. I blinked numerous times to see if he’d get the message and I think he did because he sighed again and relaxed a little. He ran a thumb across my cheeks and wiped away my tears instead.

“I’m so glad you’re finally awake, love. Just promise me you’ll stay awake.” He smiled faintly and I blinked once for a yes. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he confirmed and I blinked once again.

I wanted to smile back at him, to do more than just look at him blankly but it wasn’t happening. Instead, a sharp pain shot up my spine and I closed my eyes tightly, the pain so intense that I started to really cry. “Lucy?” Niall’s voice was frantic. The pain didn’t leave and I couldn’t even shout for help, all I could do was lie there, helplessly and wait till the pain subsides.

“Lucy, what’s wrong?” His voice was rising with panic. I forced my eyes open and tried to plead with him to call for help. Somehow I think he got the message and he gripped my arm tightly. “Louis!” He called out. But Louis didn’t stir. Niall looked at me frantically and I looked back at him, tears in my eyes. “I refuse to leave you, Luc or else I’d go and get help myself.”

He turned back around to face Louis and shouted his name out louder. Finally, Louis jerked awake, looking bewildered and lost. Then he saw Niall and I and ran over to my bedside. “Lucy, you’re awake,” he breathed out, amazed and confused at the same time.

“Go and get help Lou, I think Lucy’s in pain,” Niall ordered. Louis took a glance between me and Niall and ran out of the room. As soon as he did, I saw and felt my arms and legs swing wildly about. I was convulsing. The pain remained though and I was desperate for help, or death, whichever was the quickest.

Louis came back with a doctor and a nurse and both immediately ran to my side and tried to hold me still, checking my monitors for signs of the cause. The pain was really intense now and I was getting freaked out at the sight of my own limbs thrashing about with no control.

I closed my eyes again but immediately, I knew that it was a mistake. I felt myself slipping further into blackness and I was only holding on by my fingertips. “Lucy, stay with me!” Niall’s voice was loud and scared. “Stay with me baby, don’t let go. You promised!”

“Niall, come on mate, let the doctors get to work,” Louis’ voice sounded forced and afraid.

“No! I want to stay beside her.” He was crying again. “Lucy, please,” he begged. It broke my heart but I no longer felt control over my own body. Whatever connection I had with it before is now all gone. I couldn’t open my eyes or feel anything again. The pain was gone but so was everything else. Slowly, my hearing became acute and my sense of awareness was running thin.

“To infinity and beyond, Lucy. You promised. I love you, baby.” That was it. The last thing I heard that night.


That's it folks! Final full chapter of ChatRoom101.. DId you like it? I really hope you guys did.. Thank you very very much for all the reads, comments and votes, you're all so nice! And.. This has reached 20 000+ reads!! YAYYY!!! Thanks so much guys! P.S. keep checking for updates on this ;) xo 

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