Chapter 31

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The boys have been here for a week and were soon due to fly out again. I was determined to spend as much time with them as I can, because, once again, I don’t know when I’m going to see them next time. Today, the boys requested that we all go to the beach again and, since it was summer, I had no hesitation.

I put on my bikinis and a summer dress on top before filling a bag with spare clothes and my other usuals. Then I headed to the boys’ hotel where they were all already waiting and without further delay, we were on our way to the beach. The whole car ride, I felt uneasy, like I’d forgotten something. I kept on fidgeting and rummaging through my bag, I couldn’t figure out what it was. Niall seemed to have noticed because he put an arm around me and guided my head to his chest.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice worried.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. “It’s nothing.”

I don’t think he believed it but he stayed quiet and just held me tight. When we got there, the boys, Alexis and I piled out of the car and ran straight to the sand. We’d dropped off our stuff on a spot and stripped down to our swimming gear before running straight to the water. We splashed around for a little while, pushing each other down and scaring each other’s wits out. Before long, I’d forgotten about my weird uneasy feeling and just played along with the boys.

When we all got sick of the water, Louis whipped out a volleyball and we all mucked around playing beach volleyball. It was funny seeing the boys so competitive with each other. Once, when the ball Harry hit went out by a margin, he spent five minutes arguing with Liam and Niall, saying that it was in. The fight calmed down however and we just continued to play.

Midday arrived and so we headed in for a cool lunch inside a shopping centre nearby. After signing a couple of autographs and taken some pictures, the boys decided to eat at Nandos.

“It’s so hot here!” Louis complained as we sat down.

“It’s summer, idiot,” Zayn retorted, rolling his eyes.

“What, that means I can’t complain?” Louis shot back.

“Whatever,” Zayn replied.

“Yes! I won an argument against Zayn Malik!” Louis said, loudly.

We all burst into laughter at his randomness. When the food arrived, we all dug in, hungry from the beach activities. We joked around for a little bit more and talked over food then we all decided to head out to the beach once more before we head home.

When we got back to the beach, Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “You wanna come for a walk down the beach with me?”

I grinned at him, “Sure.”

We took off our shoes and started to the left of where we were and just strolled in comfortable silence. I focused on the feeling of the rough sand underneath my feet and noticed how it dug in every time I took a step. I appreciated the way the sun glints on the water and how blue the ocean was. Looking at it, it reminded me of Niall’s beautiful eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I felt his warm hands in mine and loved the way his fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between my own.

“You’re beautiful, Lucy. I feel like I don’t say that enough,” Niall admitted, bowing his head.

I turned to look at him. “You don’t need to say it, you know. Just having you here with me makes me feel like I’m worth it. So don’t beat yourself up over it.”

He lifted his head and smiled softly at me. “Every time I look at you, I can’t help but think how much of a lucky man I am to have you. I still don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you, but whatever it is, I hope I do enough to keep you forever.”

I laughed lightly. “You’re so cheesy, you know that?” He chuckled in response. “But I love it when you are because I feel appreciated. You don’t have to do or be anything to keep me forever because I’m willing to stick by you, Niall. You’ve been so amazing to me, just you being here with me is enough. It’s all that I want.”

He stopped walking and kissed me gently. “I just wish I didn’t have to leave you here and schedule seeing you. I wish we could be like a normal couple and do whatever we want,” he sighed.

I put an arm on his shoulder and smiled at him. “We are a normal couple, Nialler. Except my boyfriend has just got extra millions in his bank account to waste,” I joked.

He laughed and put an arm around my waist and we continued to walk along the beach in silence.

However, that didn’t last long when my phone rang shrilly. I jumped in surprised and fumbled trying to get my phone out of my pocket. I looked confusedly at my phone, it was an unknown number calling me.

“Who is it, Luc?” Niall asked.

I placed a finger on my lips, telling him to be quiet. I pressed the answer button and waited for a voice.

“Hello? Is this Lucy Mason?” a deep, male voice asked.

I stiffened and Niall looked at me worriedly. “Yea, who’s this?” I asked, my voice wavering.

“This is Dr. Walker from the Royal Brisbane Hospital. I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news, are you able to get here as soon as you can?”

My breath hitched and I grasped Niall’s arm tightly. I felt him flinch under my grip but I couldn’t let go. “Yes but I won’t be able to get there for another hour or so. I’m not in Brisbane at the moment. Can you tell me what’s wrong?” my voice was rising in pitch and my head was swimming in dizzying circles.

“Lucy, it’s your parents. They died in a head on collision just a few minutes ago. I’m so sorry,” the voice sounded forced.

I felt myself fall and then everything went black.

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