Chapter 36

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A shrill ringing filled my ears and I ran to my room to see what it was. It turned out to be my laptop ringing with a call from Niall. I grinned and clicked accept.

His face appeared on my screen and his eyes widened as he took in my appearance. “Hey baby! Congratulations, you’re graduating today!”

I giggled, “Thanks baby. How are you? And where are you?”

He shuffled around on his bed nervously, “I’m fine, love and I’m in a, um, hotel right now. I’m in Sweden at the moment because we’re doing some promotional stuff or whatever. That’s not the point though, you look beautiful! I wish I was there.” He pouted.

I could tell he wasn’t being truthful about his location, but I let it go… For now. “Thanks, Niall,” I chuckled. “Thanks to Alexis, she picked out the dress for me.” I looked down at my outfit again. Alexis and I went shopping for our graduation dress a few days ago and she fell in love with the dress I’m wearing now. It was a floor length, one shouldered dress that was baby blue with sequins and pearls accenting the waist and the shoulder strap. The dress flowed out freely under the waist and every time I moved I couldn’t help but think that I was moving with the clouds.

“So, what time’s your graduation? And where is it?” he asked putting his chin on the palm of his hand.

He looked so cute and I giggled at him. “The ceremony starts at 7.30 tonight and it’s in the hall of the university. Why are you asking?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

He suddenly became very interested in his necklace and mumbled, “Nothing. Just wondering.”

I rolled my eyes, “You’re a terrible liar, Horan. But ok. Anyway, I have to go, I don’t want to be late.”

He sighed and smiled at me. “I’m not lying, Mason,” he mimicked. “Have fun tonight, baby! And don’t let the boys touch you! You’re mine!” He winked.

I pretended to gasp, “Never!” Then we both burst into laughter. “I love you, baby. I’ll call you as soon as it’s over, ok?”

He had a mischievous grin on his face, “Sure, baby. Congratulations again. I’ll see you soon.” Then he blew me a kiss and ended the call.

I sighed and sat back on my chair. I wish my parents were here to see me graduate, I would have loved to see their faces when they find out that I’m graduating as the valedictorian. I shut my eyes to stop the tears from falling. I want to at least be happy when I graduate.

I stood back up again and made sure everything was still in place then I picked up my graduation robe and carefully placed it on top of my gown. I grabbed a small silver purse and filled it with my keys and phone then I was off to university. When I got there, the place was filled with bodies of smiling people, families, graduates, friends, they were all there. I spotted Alexis and her family a few meters away and I walked towards them cautiously, not wanting to interrupt. Alexis turned her head and did a double take when she saw me.

“Hey! You look gorgeous!” she greeted, giving me a tight hug.

“Says the model,” I laughed. “You look good too! Thanks for picking out the dress, it’s pretty.”

She laughed, “Did you show Niall?”

I nodded, “He called me just before I left the house. Has Harry seen you?”

She nodded as well. “Anyway, come over, my parents are just over here.”

I smiled and followed her to her parents. “Hey sweetie, you look fabulous.”

“Thank you, very much.”

They both hugged me. “Congratulations, valedictorian,” Alexis’s dad said.

I blushed, “Thanks.” Then I looked down at my feet. “Um, we should get inside, the ceremony’s starting in a few minutes.”

They nodded at me and Alexis and I walked to our seats. Since her last name was Winters, she was a few rows behind me. As it finally started, I fidgeted with my hands, waiting for the speeches to stop and for the names to start getting called.

Soon enough, it was our line that was getting called and I waited patiently for my name to get read out. The people in front of me started lining up to the stage and I watched as each of them get called and a round of applause followed them as they bowed with their certificates. Would I get a round of applause? Then it was ‘Martin, James’, the guy who was in front of me and suddenly it was my turn.

I almost blocked my ears when they call ‘Mason, Lucy’ so I didn’t have to hear the silence that followed my name when there was a wild cheer that erupted. I was so startled I nearly fell off the stage but I accepted my certificate and medal and walked to line up on stage with the rest of my fellow graduates. When I was steady on my feet, I looked to the crowd to see who it was and then I spotted them.

All five of them were there, near the back rows, grinning like mad and waving furiously at me. I blushed but I smiled back at them, not even caring if I looked like an idiot. I was so glad they turned up, I didn’t have to celebrate graduation alone, it seems. Then I remembered Alexis and I looked to her to find her just as shocked as I am. When they called out her name, the boys cheered for her too and from afar, I saw her laugh softly to herself, not being able to stop the smile from spreading on her face either.

As we all cheered after the ceremony finished, I couldn’t help but joining the others with as much enthusiasm and happiness as them. Then I found my way through to the boys who had caused quite an excitement among the people. They were all dressed in suits and ties, except for Haz, he had a bow tie on. I laughed and gathered up the hem of my dress and ran up to Niall. He opened his arms wide and embraced me in a tight hug before picking me up off the ground and spinning me around.

“You’re here, baby! I can’t believe it! Thank you so much for turning up, you don’t know how much it means to me,” I said, laughing while wiping away my tears.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, love,” he replied and kissed me.

“Oh you’re amazing, Niall.”

He grinned then put me down. I hugged all the other boys as well.

“Congratulations, genius!” Zayn greeted.

“Yeah! None of us expected that such a small girl could be so smart,” Louis joked.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “Don’t push it, Tommo.” He laughed in reply.

“Hey, there’s my girl!” Harry said, hugging Alexis.

I turned to Niall who had put his arm around my waist. “I knew you were lying. You were always such a bad liar.”

He laughed, “Couldn’t ruin the surprise, could I? Besides, you still didn’t figure out that we were coming.” I rolled my eyes again and he kissed my cheeks.

“So, where’s the party at, m’ladies?” Louis asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet. We all burst into laughter and Alexis and I led them to another hall where the dance was being held.

Before we got into the loud and crowded room, I sent a silent message to my mum and dad, hoping that they saw all this and were proud of me. Then I smiled as Niall tightened his grip on my waist on our way in.

“You’re going nowhere, baby,” he whispered into my ear. “You’re mine.” 

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