Chapter 4: the baby's arrivale

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*Bella's POV*

I woke up to my the baby kicking me so heard I rolled over it the bed was soaked I looked at the clock it was four in the morning I turned on the light my pants were soaked and the bed was all wet. My eyes widened once I realized what was going on "JUSTIN WAKE UP THE BABY IS COMING!!" I screamed he jumped up out of bed and put on sneakers and a shirt. I put on my slippers he went to go wake up his mom and dad and brother and sister (we are visiting them in Canada) I went out to the living room and they all came rushing out. Justin grabbed the Keys and helped me into our car and Jeremy and Pattie and the kids went into Jeremy's car. We were speeding to the hospital.

Once we got there I sat down in a wheel chair and the nurses came and wheeled me away to the labor room. I was in so much pain the gave me some drugs so I wouldn't feel that much pain but it still hurt so bad. Justin was bye the bed holding my hand looking just as scared as I was. "It's ok baby your gonna do great I love you." He said "I love you to honey." I said the doctor came in with at least three nurses with him "Ok miss Dallas we need you to push on three" I took deep breaths "one.. two.. three"

~three hours later~

After the cleaned up our child they put it in a purple blanket "it's a girl" the nurse said and handed her to me. I was crying tears of joy as I held her in my arms she was beautiful! She had blue eyes like me and blonde hair like Justin her skin was a perfect color and she had Justin's nose and my lip. I gave her a kiss on the forehead. I gave her to Justin he had tears in his eyes.

"What do we name her?" I asked Justin looked at her then gave her back to me I held her close and rocked her in my arms "what about Stella cause it rhymes with Bella?" He asked "I like that that should be the middle name" I said "ok sounds good to me what do you want her first name to be?" He asked me I looked at her "how about Rosie?" I asked he nodded his head "I love it babe it's so beautiful Rosie Stella" "Bieber" I added he smiled so wide I laughed

Justin took Rosie out of arms so I could rest for a while. They took Rosie back with the other babies and Justin went to spread the good news to our family and friends.

*Justin's POV*

I have never been so happy in my whole life Rosie Stella Bieber stole my heart as soon as I laid eyes on her she is a perfect mixture of me and Bella. She was so beautiful I can't believe I am a father of a little girl!

I went to the waiting room and saw my mom, dad, Jazzy, Jaxon, Ryan, Chaz, Christian and Scooter. I smiled like a idiot "so what happened?" Chaz asked "Are they ik is the baby healthy?" My dad asked "yes there doing ok, it's a girl and she is just beautiful and healthy." I said the all smiled and congratulated me "Is it a boy or girl?" Jazzy asked me I looked down at her "It's a girl and her name is Rosie Stella Bieber" I said they aw'ed " I am so proud of you son." My dad said and patted my back "thanks dad" I said "Congrats bro I can't wait to meet her." Ryan said and gave me a bro hug then Chaz gave me one to and Christian I thanked everyone. And chatted with them about Rosie.

Soon everyone left and I went back to check on Bella she was awake now she smiled at me. We chatted for a while until the nurse came back "Well miss Dallas and Mr. Bieber we got Rosie's prints for you and birth certificate all you need to do is sign them."she handed us papers and we signed them. "Ok thank you I'll document this and miss Dallas it looks like you be out of her in a few days you only have to stay here for three more days and you and Rosie will be good to go." She said and left.

The next day I went home around 11 because Bella told me to go home and get some proper rest and I wouldn't be missing out on anything. So I was currently Laying in bed playing my Xbox I had Ryan, Chaz, and Christian over at my house. It was just like old times. We we went out to the kitchen and made some lunch. "Yo we should go visit Bella!" Ryan said "Ok I'll get her some McDonalds cause she is probably starving, we might be able to see Rosie to if you guys want?" I asked "That sounds awesome let's go!" Christian said and all finished our lunch and drove to McDonalds I ordered her a Big Mac with medium fry's and a coke. Once we got the food we went to the hospital.

"What room is Bella Dallas in?" I asked she looked at her computer "Room 235 second floor" she said "Thanks" I said and started to walk to her room with the boys behind me goofing off. We reached Bella's room I opened the door "surprise!!" The boys yelled me and her laughed her eyes widened when she saw the McDonalds back I gave it to her "thank you guys so much I was starving!!" She said "I know it was my idea because the food here I gross" Chaz said "Hey it was my idea!" I said and every one laughed "how are you doing Bell?"Ryan asked her "good I guess s little sore but good" she said and smiled "I feel so bad for you it must of hurt!" Christian said "you don't even know it hurt like hell honestly!!" She said and continued to eat. Chaz started to mess around with her TV until he found something he liked which was Full house. We all made fun of him "Hey it's gives you life lessons and it's not for girls!" He said we all laughed so hard.

After a while we went down to the nursery place where they had all the babies "there's Rosie I said and pointed to her they all looked and had there heads against the glass I laughed they all complimented her. I looked at her she looked at me for a seconded and smiled I was so happy I smiled back the guys laughed. It was so cute though I love her I can't wait to hold her again. "I am such a proud uncle!" Chaz said I laughed at him "oh my gosh you sound like such a girl right now!" I said and laughed.

We left the hospital and went over to Ryan's house and spent the night there playing on his PS4 and eating junk food the guys drank but I didn't I don't want to since I have a daughter now I want to be more responsible. I had a great time though.

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