Chapter 9: gone forever?

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*Bellas POV*

It was 4 o'clock in the morning I sat up from the stranger next to me I was still partially high from last night and hung over. Grabbed my clothes and went into the shower once o got out I put on my clothes then left. I got into my car and rice back to My I mean Justin's house now. Once I pulled into the drive way I saw Patties car parked this was gonna be a harder than I thought. I opened the door she was sleeping I snuck up stairs and went into Justin's room I grabbed my suit case and out everything in it Clothes, bathroom stuff, shoes everything. I went over to Rosie's room and opened it. My little angle was sleeping I started to cry silently I turned around and tried to calm myself before leaving. I picked her up she woke up but did nothing I cuddled her in my arms whispering I love her over and over in her tiny ear. I put her down and gave her a Binky she grabbed my finger signaling me not to go I kissed her tiny hand and left. Once I went down stairs I left the note I wrote on the table along with the stuff Justin gave me I just needed Time, time to start my life all over again. I am leaving the old me behind and starting over. I looked around and grabbed my bag I put my stuff in my car and left. Left forever.

*Justins POV*

I woke up and looked over at the clock it was 9 o'clock in the morning I laid in bed for a few minutes until I decided to get up. I went down stairs and saw mom feeding Rosie. She looked worried and upset "what's wrong mom?" I asked she looked at me hesitantly then pulled something from the pocket of her jeans and handed me a note. I looked up and her she took Rosie and took her to the living room. The not said...

To Justin and Rosie my loves, I love you both so much so much that I have to leave this is so hard for me but I have to I am not a good mother I don't fit the mother role. I will never forget you Rosie your my daughter who I love dearly. And Justin I won't forget you even if I try your my everything and that won't change. I won't forget the memories we shared together. I have left to somewhere far far away I am starting over with everything new. Even my identity but to you I will be known as Bella Anne Dallas and to Rosie I will be known as mom even though she won't remember me.

I left the pictures and anything that will remind me of you two except for two pictures one of me and you Justin before we went to the carnival in Cali and had our first kiss.. and the picture the nurse took of me you and Rosie after I gave birth to her.

These memories I will take these with me everywhere I go where ever I go. I just want to let you and Rose know I didn't leave because of either of you I left because I wanted to because it would be better for both of you. I love you both dearly- Bella Dallas aka mommy xo <3

Tears ran down my face I slide down to the floor and cried. She is gone the love of my life the mother to my daughter. I pulled my self together and went upstairs I went to my dresser and pulled out a black box. "I guess I won't be needing this.." I said and broke down in tears. I went over to bed and cried the day away.

I woke up at 1 o clock in the afternoon the next day hung over I had a few drinks last night. I took a shower. Thinking of the note and what was said. Trying to remember the last thing I said to her.. Once I was done I went down stair and grabbed something to eat. My mom to Rose to her house. Like I care if it wasn't for that thing I would still have my girlfriend.

Around 3 my mom called me "what" I said with no emotion "Justin you need to come get Rosie please don't let her down she needs a father." She said "ya she also needs a mother but she is gone so why does she need me?" I asked with pain in my voice "Justin Drew get your ass to this house right now we're going to have a talk." I heard my dad yell I hung up. I went upstairs and out on my joggers with white Jordan's and a white tee I grabbed my phone and went down stairs. I looked in the mirror in the hall my eyes were puffy and red and I looked like crap. I went to the garage and got in my blue Lamborghini I drove over to my mom and Dads house.

As soon as I pulled into the drive way I saw my mom and dad on the porch my mom had Rosie. I got out of my car and slammed it shut. "What did you want me for?" I asked angrily. "Justin Drew don't give me and your mother that attitude we know your woman left but now it's time for you to man up!" My dad shouted I stood there and gave him a disappointing look I wasn't disappointed in him I was disappointed at myself for giving up on myself and my daughter because of a in mature women. "Your right I am sorry I should really not let go of my self your right." I said "I don't know what has gotten into you Justin?" My mom said "I am very sorry guys can I please have my daughter now?" I asked " yes if you take car of her properly and don't put your hate on Bella out I'm on this innocent child!" My dad hissed I cringed at the name Bella. " we called Chaz and Ryan and told them what happened there are so sorry for you so they have some friends who are also your fro who are gonna help you with taking care of Rose." My mom said "who?" I asked "The Kardashian's and Jenner's now I heard Kylie just had her baby no that long ago so Rosie can have someone to grow up with isn't that fun" my mom said and taped Rosie's nose. "Ok I'll drive up to there house then. Wait which sister?" I asked "all of course tonight there all gonna be at Krises house." She said I nodded and I hugged Rose "I missed you so much baby girl!" I said and hugged her tight she giggled. "I'll see you guys soon tell Jaxson and Jazzy I said hi" I said and I put Rosie in her car seat and went up from I buckled up and drove home.

Once I got home I seemed depressed again. I unstrapped Rosie from her car seat and went inside the paparazzi at my gate asking me questions. I went inside and went upstairs to put Rosie to bed then I got something to eat. I can't believe it I am going to be a single dad. I know now not to trust girls or let them into your heart cause they will break it. It sucks I am broke and I just hate my self I can't help but feel like it is my fault that she left. I need to get some professional before... before it's to late. I picked up my phone and called Scooter he agreed to call in a doctor to help my with my depression I am getting again. I threw sway my left over and went upstairs to bed I felt tired and miserable. Yet again another night of crying myself to sleep.

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