The Demon Attack

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*Back at the bunker*

Kayla's POV
I went on a job by myself while the guys slept. I had everything I needed to destroy this demon that was attacking anyone who got in its way. I left Dean and Sam a note telling them that I went on a job and that I'll be back soon. I took a car from the garage and drove to the spot where the demon was.

Dean's POV
I wanted to go get something to eat and went to see if Kayla wanted to come but I saw a note on my door. "Damn it. Sammy!!!! Kayla went on a hunt by herself!!!! We have to go catch up with her." Sammy grabbed his coat and we kissed our girls and went after Kayla.

Sam's POV
Dean and I both know that Kayla can handle her own but this is a demon that is stronger than her. "Dean what if-" "Kayla isn't going to die Sammy. I know exactly where the demon is. We'll get there in know time." We finally reach where Kayla was and the demon and Kayla both are fighting hard but the demon slashes Kayla and she falls down. We ran to her aid I stayed with her while Dean killed the demon. "Sammy I don't think I'm going to-" "Your going to make it Kayla you hear me. Your going to make it." Dean killed the demon and ran back to us. "How are you doing kid." Kayla starts to turn pale. "Not to good Dean I feel like I'm going to die." Kayla blacks out and Dean picks up Kayla and runs to the impala while I drive Kayla's car.

Kayla's POV
"Is that all you got!" I yell at the demon. He goes down and I was getting ready to kill him when he slashed my stomach. I fall to the ground and I saw my brothers Sam and Dean running over. Sam stays with me while Dean runs to kill the demon. "Sammy I don't think I'm going to-" "Kayla your not going to die. You hear me your not going to die." I see Dean running over to me and Sam. "How you doing kid." I notice I was going pale. "Not to good Dean I feel like I'm going to die." I black out but I can feel that Dean is running to the impala and he places me in the front seat with him with my head in his lap and I hear him saying "You hold on Kayla. Hold on Kayla. You hold on for us. " I faded out.

Dean's POV
We finally get back to the bunker and Sam helps me get Kayla inside and up to her room. "Cas!!! Cas!!! Where the hell are you!!! Kayla's hurt and we need you to heal her!!!" Castiel appears. "What the hell happened to my girl!!" Sam looked at him and said "Demon slashed her Castiel. A demon happened to her!!" Castiel leans over Kayla. "Dean you and Sam need to leave so I can heal her." I grabbed Sammy and we left.

Castiel's POV
I see that Kayla is coming to. "Hey love how are you doing?" She winces "I feel like I'm going to die." I start tear up. "You not gonna die. I'm going to heal you to make you better. It's going to hurt a little less then what your feeling right now." She nods and I heal her. She winces again and she feels no more pain. She sits up and tries to get out of bed but I make her stay cause of what she went through. I stayed with her all night till Sam walked in to take my place.

Hello my little monster hunters are you enjoying the story. I know I am.

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