We Found Morgan

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Kayla's POV
Jack Cas and I were looking for Morgan and we finally found where she is. "Dean! Sammy! Des! We found Morgan!" I could hear everyone coming from all directions. "Where is she Kayla." I pointed to Oregon. "She's at the Kong's motel in Oregon." "Well let's get going I want to see my wife." I grabbed Dean. "Dean we don't have to drive Cas can just zap me you Sammy and Jack to where she is." He nodded and Cas zapped is to Morgan.

Dean's POV
We finally get to Morgan's motel room and Kayla gets ready to knock on the door and I stopped her. "Kayla I want to be the first person she gets to see." She nods and I knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw Morgan. She started to tear up and she hugged me. "Hey baby." "When did you get back?" I pulled away and looked into her eyes. "2 months ago. Can we come in?" She nods and we walked into her motel room. "Why did you leave the day I died?"

Morgan's POV
I'm glad to see my husband, but there's a 19 year old boy that looks just like me and Dean. "Dean who is that sitting next to you?" Dean looked at the boy. "Morgan that's our son Jack. Lucifer took him and injected him with his blood o make him grow up faster." I go to Jack and I realized it was him. "You were just 4 months old when I left. Now your all grown up and I wasn't there to protect you." I hugged my son. "Mom why did you leave after dad died?" I took in a deep breath. "After you Aunt Kayla and your dad died. I was a mess. I couldn't handle not having them around and living in motel after motel after motel and driving isn't a place for an infant to live it's life." I looked at Kayla and she was feeling something. "Cas get everyone home now." "Kayla what's going-" "Now Cas!" He nods and the rest of us are back at the bunker and Kayla and Cas were still in Oregon.

Castiel's POV
Kayla and I were fighting the demons and a few moments later I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I went down. Kayla fought off the rest of the demons and ran to my side. "Your gonna be ok baby. Do you have enough strength to get both of us back." I shook my head. "I'll be fine Kayla.....don't you worry....I'm an angel..my father will bring me back....I love you my angel..with every..last...breath." I said my last words to my wife for now. As I faded away I felt her head on my chest and now I'm dead.

Kayla's POV
Cas is gone. My angel is gone. I don't think that he'll come back. I know that he said he was but I don't think it'll happen. I get up off my knees with Cas's blood all over me. I screamed for Cas to come back but nothing happened. I got onions a random car, jump started it and drove back to the bunker with tears falling down me blood covered face.

*Back at the bunker*

I finally reached the bunker and I got out of the car. I walked in to see my brother Dean standing there waiting for me. "Oh my god Kayla are you ok your covered in blood!" "It's not my blood." I mumble under my breath. "What. What did you say." "IT'S NOT MY BLOOD DEAN! Cas is gone! It's his blood!" I broke down and fell on my knees crying for my angel. I felt Dean pick me up off the floor and walked me over to the couch. "Kayla. It's ok. I'm right here. I'm here." I heard Sammy running in. "Cas is gone Sammy....a demon killed him...stabbed him in the chest...I took out 5 demons to get to him." "Sammy go get her one of my shirts and a pair of my sweat pants. I'm going to get her cleaned up." Dean helped me to the bathroom and he sat me on the sink and started taking the bloody clothes off and started cleaning me off. Sam walks in with the clothes Dean hands them to me. "Here get dress and go to your room and I be there in a few." I nodded and did what he said. After I got dressed I went to my room and laid in my bed crying for Castiel. Dean walks in and climbs into the bed. I snuggled in closer to him and laid my head on his chest. I start crying again and he held me while I cried. Then Sammy walked in and climbed in on the other side and held me from behind. I love my brothers. I would hate to lose them too.

Sam's POV
"Ssssshh Kayla. It's ok. Dean and I are here. We're not leaving you, I promise. We're family and family takes care of family." I held Kayla and rested my head into the crook of her neck. "I couldn't save him Sammy...I couldn't save him." She cried. A few moments later Kayla and Dean were asleep but I stayed with Kayla and Dean cause their my big brother and big sister and Kayla still needs me. Morgan and Des walked in with the air mattress and the shared it on the floor before I knew it all the kids was in the room and we all went to sleep.

Hello my little monster hunters. Cas has sadly died again. Kayla Sam and Dean are sharing her bed while the rest of the family slept on the floor.

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