Cas is gone

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*During the hunt*

Kayla's POV
We finally found the werewolf and Dean and Sam were knocked out. It went after me and Cas and it hits my arm and knocks me out of the way and gets on top of Cas and malls him and I stabbed the silver knife into the werewolf's back and it killed it instantly. Dean and Sam finally woke up and they see me trying to save Cas. "Baby your gonna be ok. Your gonna be ok sam is going to heal you." Sam runs over to Cas and I and he tries to heal Cas but it doesn't work. "Kayla I'm getting cold." "Cas your gonna be fine baby just hold on." I started to cry and Dean came over to me Sammy and Cas. "Kayla you take good care......of our kids ok." Cas was getting colder by the minute. "Sammy do something!" "Kayla its not working I've already tried!" Dean checks his pulse. "Kayla I'm sorry but he's gone." I leaned against the wall and slid down and cried for my angel to come back to me. It was no use. He was to far gone. We grabbed Cas' body wrapped him in a blanket and sat him in the back and I sat up front with Dean and Sam. I was still crying but not loud enough for Dean or Sam to hear.

*Back to the bunker*

Dean's POV
Kayla's heart is broken. Sam and I buried Cas next to Kayla's spot by the tree that me and her planted when we first moved here. I go check on Kayla and she doesn't have the kids around her cause she just wants to be alone. "Dean I know that your in here. I told you I didn't want to be near anyone." She manages to choke out. I didn't listen to her and laid down next to her and she gave in and scooted closer to me and I held her as she cried hard. Sam brought her kids in and she looked up and she nodded at Sam to let the kids come to her and I and we all stayed in the room together. After a while Kayla and the kids were asleep Sam snuck into my spot and I went to bed with Morgan. I feel so bad for Kayla losing her husband. I would do the same if Morgan died again.

Sam's POV
After Dean and I switched places I put the kids in their beds in Kayla's and Cas' room and I got back in the bed with Kayla and she snuggled into me. She woke up and sat up looking for Cas. "Sammy where's Cas?" She asks me. "He's fine Kayla he's in heaven but he can't come home for a while but he's going to come back soon I promise." She nods and lays back down next to me. I pulled her closer to me and kissed the top of her head and went to sleep.

*The next day*

Morgan's POV
I feel so bad for Kayla. I knew something bad was gonna happen but I didn't think anyone would die. Kayla finally walks down stairs and she grabs a Dr Pepper and sits at the table. "I have to bring Cas back. I have to try to bing him back." Kayla tries to go outside but Dean grabbed her. "Kayla come on you need to rest." "Let me go Dean I need to bring my husband back!" Kayla got lose of Dean's grip but she fell to the floor and stayed there crying for her husband. Dean got on the floor with Kayla and he held her till she stopped crying. She couldn't stop for hours till she fell asleep on Dean's chest which is where they stayed for the next few hours. Sam and Dean would switch off every few hours so Kayla wouldn't be alone at all times.

*Later that night*

Kayla's POV
I still can't sleep and I haven't slept for the past 3 days. Dean is sleeping in my bed and I went to hold my son. I took him out of his crib and looked into those beautiful blueish green eyes and immediately thought of Cas. "Cas will be back soon Kayla." I turned around and saw myself sleeping in bed then I realized that I was dreaming and that his brother Michael was talking to me. "When is he coming back Michael. Cause I can't stand being without him." He walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. "Just know that he'll be back before you know it." I shot up from my sleep and it woke Dean up. "Kayla are you ok?" "Ya. Michael came to my dream and he told me that Cas is gonna come back but he didn't tell me when tho." He looked at me. "Can I take the impala to go for a drive?" He nodded and handed me the keys and I got dressed and I knew where I was going. Michael didn't say how Cas was coming back. But I figured that he meant I go to the crossroads demon and make a deal with the devil himself. Lucifer.

Dean's POV
I looked out the window to see which way Kayla was going. Damn it She going to the crossroads demon! "Sammy! Wake up Kayla went to the crossroads demon!" I heard Sam get out of his bed. "What! Why did you let her go!" "She asked to go for a drive! I didn't know that she would to the crossroads demon. If she's going to bring Cas back you need to stay here in case he shows up." He nodded and I took Kayla car and drove to the crossroads demon.

Hello my little monster hunters. Whoa Kayla is going to make a deal to bring Castiel back. What is dean going to do?? Find out in the next chapter.

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