3 Days Are Up

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*That night*

Kayla's POV
I'm sitting in the library with Dean and Cas. Morgan hasn't came out of her's and Dean's room for the last 3 days. "Kayla. Morgan hasn't came out of our room all day." I looked at Dean. "I know Dean." "I'm going to get her to come out before it happens." I nod and Cas stayed with me for a bit. "Kayla I have to go to heaven. I'll be right back to be by your side when Dean dies." I nod and we kissed goodbye. I'm just scared that I'm going to hell too.

Dean's POV
I get to mine and Morgan's room. "Baby can you come out and be with me before I go." I heard the lock and saw the door open. She had tears in her eyes and I pulled her in and held her.

*A few minute later*

Morgan and I heard screaming and we ran to the library and saw Kayla getting mauled by a hellhound. I knew I was next. Cas can back and he tried to run to Kayla but I grabbed him. "Kayla! No leave her alone!" The hellhound didn't listen. Lilith disregarded my deal with her. She's taking both me and Kayla. Morgan ran to our room after watching Kayla die and she knew I was next. The hellhound turned towards me and I made sure that it stayed in the library with me. The next thing I knew I was screaming and being torn to pieces blood was going everywhere.

Castiel's POV
Kayla is gone. My wife is gone. Dean is now gone too. I go into the library where their bodies were and I went straight to my wife's side and cried on her chest. I thought about the baby too. "Their gone. Sam their gone. I need to bring them back! I have to bring them back!" Sam comes to my side and holds me away from Kayla's body. "Cas you can wait 3 months you have to wait."

Sam's POV
I got Cas out of the library and I carried their bodies one by one and buried their bodies next to each other under the tree.

Destiny's POV
I can't believe that Kayla and Dean are gone. I had Lydia and Dj in mine and Sam's room with our boys. I just can't believe their gone.

*later that night*

Morgan's POV
Tonight I'm leaving the bunker. I'm not even taking my son Jack. I walk over to Jack's crib. "My sweet baby boy......mommy loves you so much....but mommy has to leave you here with your aunt and uncles and cousins."IB kissed his forehead and I walked out of the room and walked out the bunker and drove away not looking back. My best friend and husband are gone.

Sam's POV
I woke up the next day to go check on everyone. I went to Kayla's and Cas's room and I'll I opened the door and Cas was drinking and crying in their bed. I closed the door to go check on Morgan. I opened the door and Jack was crying. I walk into the room and picked him up and held him and he stopped crying. I saw that there was a note taped to Jack's crib. I read it and I knew this was going to happen. I just can't believe Morgan didn't say goodbye to all of us before she left. I took Jack to mine and Des's room and put him in the crib with Bobby.

Hello my little monster hunters. It looks like Morgan isn't going to be coming back anytime soon. Do you wonder how he'll looks like for Kayla and Dean? Wait and see what the next chapter has for us.

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