Two- Packing

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Y/n's POV
After talking to Peggy and the Schuyler sisters for about 2 hours you decided that it was time to go home. I got a carriage and got inside telling the driver where I was going. He drove me home in a little less than 20 minutes because there was quite a few carriages out today.
I walked about 3 steps inside and was immediately crushed in a hug from my mother. Father must have told her about my wanting to leave.
"Oh, y/n I want you to be very careful when you go out to war to help with the soldiers wounds because you could get hurt or worse. Just remember something for me? Stay strong and know that your mom loves you so much and is so super proud of you, okay?" She asks you.
"Okay, sure thing mom. I love you too," you continue, "Well I better be off to pack then take a test that father is conjuring up," you say as you practically leap up the stairs.
Once you get up the stairs you head toward your room to hear a beautiful singing voice. This person is humming a gorgeous tune. You walk in to find your maid, Karen. You startle her and she says.
"I'm sorry I lost track of time, I will go clean now," but before she can walk away to clean you grab her wrist gently.
"Sorry for what your voice is beautiful, what were you humming?" You ask
"Am old tune my mother used to sing for me to get me to sleep called twinkle twinkle little star," she says.
"That's beautiful and as much as I would like to hear that I unfortunately don't have the time, can you help me pack a trunk please?" You ask Karen.
"Of course Ms. Washington," she says and you two head off to pack your things.
About 20 minutes later you and Karen had your trunk full of my things a couple pairs of shoes, about 10 dresses, 15 undergarments, and 5 coats.
"Okay Karen I think we are done packing," you say as you examine your work and close the trunk.
"Okay that's great, now when do you leave miss?" She asks you.
"In three days, I'm really going to miss you Karen," you answer her.
"I'm going to miss you too Ms. Washington," she says as she leaves your room so that you can get changed into a dinner outfit. You head out of your room and go down the stairs to the dinning room where dinner is at.
"So sorry to keep you waiting mother and father," you say as a servant pulls out your chair for you to sit. You gratefully nod and turn back towards your parents.
"It's quite alright, dear," your mother says followed by a nod from your father, your mother continues with, "so, y/n dear why did you rush out of the house so fast we were very worried?" She asks you.
"So sorry for causing the trouble mother it wasn't intended. I just rushed out to the Schuyler estate to tell my dear friend, Peggy, some joyous news," you say trying to sound polite about it. By the expression your parents had on you succeeded.
"That's quite alright dear," your mother says and you realize your father has been quiet this whole time.
"Is there something troubling you father, you seem to be much quieter than usual, I hope everything is alright?" You ask your father.
"I'm quite alright dear, just regaling about what your saying is all, please go on my dear," he says to you.
"I was wondering father when I could prove myself to you before you leave?" You ask then realize that you forgot to tell your mother what has happened.
"Why might you need to prove yourself dear?" Your mother asks.
"Oh, right in all of the excitement it seems I have lacked to tell you very important news," you say.
"Go on then what is it dear?" Your mother asks and you take a deep breath and decide to just tell her.
"Well mother as you know father is going off into war very soon," you begin and she nods signaling you to continue, "Well, as much as I hate to say it, if all goes according to plan father won't be the only one heading off into war. I found myself very intrigued with helping people, and so I will be going with father to become a nurse," you say and hope she reacts well.
"That's fantastic sweetheart, but please, please be careful I cannot bear to lose either of you," she says and you practically jump out of your seat when she approves of you to go off into war with your father.
"Thank you so very much mother. You have no idea how much getting your approval means to me," you say as you continue to chat over dinner.
Hey guys thanks for reading as usual no proof read. Today's word count is 829 that's a lot right? Well I have to tell you I love writing this story already. Thanks again for reading.

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