Funky Love

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What happens after Howard steals the funk, and leaves Old Gregg all alone?

Additional Tags:
Self Harm, Suicide, Angst, Heart break, Self Hatred.

Word Count: 2450

No Ones POV:
Old Gregg sat alone at his dinner table, pondering his existence. What had he done to deserve this? Five minutes ago Old Gregg was the happiest he had ever been in his entire life. Thinking he was going to marry the man of his dreams, and live a happy life, now he was just sitting all alone, drowning in a pit of his own self pity. Honestly, he should have seen this coming. How could a man like Howard Moon ever love someone like Old Gregg. A scaly old man fish.  It was hard to believe, but one person he truly ever loved, had deceived him, and stole one of his most valuable possessions. How could he have been so naive? How could Old Gregg not see that Howard was only using him to get the funk. Old Gregg had really been convinced that Howard loved him as much as he loved Howard, but I guess he was wrong. After proposing to Howard, Old Gregg had gone to crack open a fresh Baileys, but when he returned Howard was no wear to be seen, nor was the funk. Howard had tricked Old Gregg into thinking he loved him, just so he could get the funk all to himself, and leave. To think, Old Gregg had even showed him his downstairs mix up. All Old Gregg wanted was a strong man to hold him at night, when it was cold and rainy out. Was that to much to ask for? For Howard to love Old Gregg, just as much as Old Gregg loved Howard? Was he really this unlovable? Was Old Gregg's love really torture? Stupid love games, Old Gregg mumbled to himself, while wiping his eyes, in an attempt to stop the tears threatening to fall down his face. He took a sip of the Baileys in front of him, and let out a pained sigh, slowly letting himself fall into a dazed state of self hatred, and disappointment. He truly didn't have anything left to live for. If the one person he looked up to the most really hated him this much, how could he go on knowing he was that much of a disappointment? Whats the point of living a life without love? Old Gregg pondered these questions for a minute before the answer hit him. That's it, Old Gregg said to himself. That's the answer. There is no point. And with that, Old Gregg finished drinking his glass of creamy Baileys, and got up to go to the bathroom. The dimly lit bathroom was an all to familiar setting for Old Gregg. He had spent many lonesome nights in the past, lying on the cold tile ground here, considering picking up a razor blade from his cabinet drawer, and ending it all. He had thought of doing this so many times in the past. There were many lonely nights were Old Gregg never knew if he would ever be loved by someone.  He had contemplated suicide many times before, but one thought always kept him going. If I end it all today, I won't know what tomorrow brings. That thought was something that always gave Old Gregg hope that one day he would find someone one to live him. He thought that day was today. He thought that Howard loved him, but Howard didn't. The only thing Howard did was confirm that Old Gregg truly was, unlovable. Old Gregg now had a stream of tears flowing freely down his face, he let out quiet choked sobs ever now and than, as he lay motionless on the cold floor. After about 10 minutes, of this, Old Gregg got up, and made his way over to the cabinet above his bathroom mirror. He searched around for a few minutes before pulling out the object he was looking for. A shiny silver razor  blade.

Howard's POV:
It had only been a mere few hours since I got my hands on the funk, and my band was already gaining international popularity and fame at an alarmingly fast rate. We had concerts lined up for the next year and a half, all over the world, and soon enough I will be a million air thanks to the funk. My band and I were going to be the funkiest on the entire planet. Everyone will love us, and we'll be the most famous band on the entire Earth soon enough, I thought to myself happily. Soon enough we'll be known internationally, all over the world. We'll be a house hold name, and all the girls will love us, maybe even some guys to. It's a great day to be alive, I whispered to myself. It's all thanks to the funk. Without the funk none of this would have happened. I wouldn't be sitting here back stage at the end of my bands last concert of the night, thinking about all the good fortune that has come to me, and all that the future holds. The funk truly is the most powerful thing on the planet. Who would of thought it would have actually brought me this much fame, and money. Wow, I thought to myself. This is all because of Gregg. He loved me enough to give up one of the most powerful thing in the world. He was willing to do this just to gain my love and acceptance. How admirable, I thought smiling to myself. That last thought caught me a bit off guard. Gregg, admirable? I guess he kind of is. He's also a bit...handsome I guess. His tutu was always kind of a turn on to me, and he has a bit of a charm about him. Would it really be so bad to Mary him? After all the love he has given me, what can I do for him? I guess I could go back to him, and get married, and live with him happily ever after, I reasoned with myself. It would be kind of nice to spend the rest of my life with someone who loves me as much as Gregg. Not everyone gets to experience that kind of love, in their life time, and I should be thankful for how Gregg has treated me. A sudden wave of guilt washed over me, as i realized what I had done to Gregg in return. I had stolen the funk, to gain more fame and power in my career, and left Old Gregg all alone to wonder where I had gone off to, and if I would ever returned. I can't do that to him. I have to go back. I have to be with him. I have to find a way to make it up to him. I can't live with myself knowing how terrible I've treated someone as nice as Gregg. Maybe I could even...learn to love Gregg. With that final thought, I was off. I needed to get back to Gregg, and apologize. I decided I would stop and pick up something for him first, as an apology gift...or maybe even a wedding gift. I stoped at a nearby store, and picked up a bottle of creamy Baileys for Gregg. I knew I was going to have some explaining to do, once I got back, so maybe some Baileys would make it a little bit easier. Once I left the store, I began walking back to Gregg's place, and I became lost in deep thought. Maybe I really do love Gregg. Why else would I be so willing to marry him, and feel so bad about leaving him. I honestly do feel really bad about how I have treated him, and do sincerely want his forgiveness. I don't think I could live with myself, if I didn't apologize for all I've put Gregg through. He only wanted my love, and I made a promise to myself as soon as I got back to him that's all I would give him. My full love and support. I would never hurt him ever again. Even if that ment marrying him. That's the only way I can live with myself, after all the bad things I've done to such a nice person. I have to give myself to Gregg, to make up for what I've done. I can do it. I can learn to love Gregg. I started to become lost in day dreams of what our life together would look like once I got back to Gregg. How our wedding will go, what our future children will look like. I imagined many happy things as I walked to Gregg's place, each step making me love Gregg a little more. I was truly falling for Old Gregg, and I was done playing my love games with him. I was going to be a true faithful husband when I got back to him, and I knew I loved Gregg, even if I wasn't ready to admit that to myself.

Old Gregg's POV:
The white tiles on my bathroom floor were now decorated with small spots of crimson red. I watched as more red fell from my wrist, splattering onto the floor. It started out with small drops, that gradually got bigger, and bigger as I cut. Each cut going up my wrist got a little deeper, and deeper. I didn't cry. I was to numb to feel anything at this point. I was ready to leave. I was ready to die. After a few more deep cuts I was up to the middle of my arm. This is wear I decided I would cut the deepest, and end it all. My hand started shaking violently as I lifted the blade to my arm once again. I took a deep breath to calm myself, and said one last final thing before slashing my arm with the silver peace of metal. I-I'm O-old Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg, I said in a choked sob, as I finally did it.

Howard's POV:
I was finally at Gregg's place, after what felt like an eternity of walking. It was oddly quiet. I decided I would let myself in, and surprise Gregg. I opened the door to his cave, and quietly shut it, it wanting him to know of my presence yet. I walked slowly into the kitchen were I assumed I would find Gregg sitting, drinking some Baileys, or doing water Colors or something, but he wasn't there. I stood in silent shock for a moment wondering where he could be. Than I heard something. It sounded like quiet.......whimpering? It was coming from the bathroom. The previous feeling of shock I felt was immediately token over by pure concern, and fear of what I might find in the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom, and flung open the door to see my worst nightmare come true. It was Gregg, on the floor, crying, with blood everywhere, and a small silver razor blade behind his hand. He was a crying mess, curled up on the floor, he could barley keep his eyes opened it seemed. I dropped the bottle of Baileys I was holding, and heard it smash in the floor. I didn't care. All I cared about right now was Gregg. I immediately fell to my knees, scooping up Gregg into my lap. GREGG, GREGG CAN YOU HEAR ME? ITS ME HOWARD. IM HERE ITS OKAY. ITS GONNA BE OKAY. YOUR GOING TO BE OKAY, I said to Gregg, while starting to cry. H-Howard Gregg said in a voice barley louder than a whisper. His eyes were looking around the room, as if he was trying to see where I was, even though I was looking directly into them. I'm right here Gregg, I replied to him, lightly bringing my hand to his cheek, and guiding his head to look at me. All I got in response from Gregg was a barley audible whimper. Just than the reality of the situation hit me. It was only Gregg here, and there didn't seem to be any signs of an intruder. No one else really knows about Gregg or where he lives. So therfore, someone didn't do this to Gregg. Gregg had done this to himself. Gregg.....attempted suicide, I thought to myself, in a dazed state. I felt sick to my stomach. It was because of me. It was my fault. I was the one who pushed Gregg over the edge. I looked back down at Gregg to see his eyes were closed now, and he wasn't moving. FUCK, I screamed. Tears now freely flowing down my face. I quickly moved Gregg off my lap, got up, and with my shaking hands tore of a peace of my shirt, and tied it around Gregg's arm, where it seemed the blood was coming from. GREG WAKE UP, I yelled in his face. No response. I shook his now limp body, as hard as I could. He didn't even flinch. After a few moments, I hesitantly leaned my head to his chest to see if he still had a pulse. I heard a single beat, and counted the seconds till the next one. 1...2...beat. Than the next 1....2...beat. I wanted for the next one, still counting. 1....2...3...4...5..6..7. There wasn't another beat coming. I waited a few more seconds, and than came face to face with the grim realization. Gregg was gone. I couldn't hold it together anymore, I started shaking and sobbing violently. I was to weak from shock to get up, so instead I crawled over Gregg's body and let out all the contents of my stomach into his toilet. No, no, no, no, I repeated to myself. His ant be happening. Oh my god, no. Gregg's not dead. I didn't just....I didn't just cause someone to take there won life. I stared, traumatized, at Gregg's dead body. I scanned it for any signs of life, but couldn't find any. What I did find was the bloodied blade sitting on the ground still. I hesitantly picked it up, and examined it. Than I made the decision. If I can't live with Old Gregg, I can't live at all, I whispered to myself. Not even a half a second later. I violently shall hes the blade across my neck, and bled out on the floor. Not even making a sound. The last thing I remember hearing was the sound of me reciting my final words. you, G-Gregg.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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