6."One Chance"

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Chanyeol arrives at the dorm.

He unlocks the door to find most of the members gathered around at the main room.

Baekhyun just happened to pass by and greets him first "Oh Chanyeol-ah, you're back"

Chanyeol gives him a careless look before closing the door "Obviously"

His attitude confuses Baekhyun. He crosses his arms and sighs "Okay what happened?"

His hair are wet but his dressed. He probably just got out of shower.

"What do you mean?"

Baekhyun grins "Chanyeol" he lifts his hand and holds Chanyeol's shoulder "I know you. You're annoyed"

Chanyeol pushes his hand off him and looks down on him. He was about to deny it but there's no use "It's just... Joo Won, my assistant, he quited"

Baekhyun tilts his head to the side as he keeps listening "And the worst part is, he gave his position to her!" Chanyeol raises his hands up in frustration.

"Who?" Baekhyun asks, still trying to understand.

"Ji Young. The girl from the hotel" Chanyeol explains and Baekhyun immediately brusts into laughter.

"Ya! What's so funny?" Chanyeol narrows his eyes at him and punches Baekhyun's shoulder.

He stops laughing, still grining "It's just ironic. What a coincidence"

"That's what I'm saying! Ugh he just quited without any warning" Chanyeol sits down on a chair at the kitchen table and frowns "He has been working for me for a year now"

"I called him, you know" he continues as Baekhyun sits on a chair opposite him "And when I asked the reason he left he gave me the lamest excuse"

Baekhyun rests his head on his hand "What did he say?"

Chanyeol hestitates "He said that I'm pressing. Who? Me!" He widens his eyes, pointing his finger on his chest. He doesn't seem to agree with his former assistant's words.

Baekhyun once again laughs and this earns him a kick on the leg "Ya! You're doing it again!" Chanyeol complains.

Baekhyun winces, rubbing the spot that he kicked him on "Sorry, it's just that what he said wasn't entirely wrong"

His words earn himself a deadpan look but Baekhyun simply ignores it "Everyone here knows that sometimes you can become rude and demand things"

"That's not true!" Chanyeol crosses his arms on his wide chest and looks away. He slowly turns to Baekhyun again "Is it?"

Baekhyun simply nods and Chanyeol bite his lips.

"Still he had no right to do that" he doesn't let his guard down and right then Baekhyun stands up.

He ruffles his wet hair with his hand before lightly patting Chanyeol's shoulder "Hey give it a chance. There's not much you can do anyways" he gives him one last smile before leaving the kitchen.

Chanyeol stays quiet, pouting like a child that just got scolded. He watches Baekhyun walk away and sighs in defeat.

'One chance.'


The next morning came quickly.

Ji Young rushes to the office.

She gasps as she tries to open the door, since she's holding a bunch of files in her hug.

She walks inside and a scream almost escaped her parted lips when she notices Chanyeol already being seated and waiting.

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