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Ok this one isn't based off of a head cannon


I'm walking along the beach with Travis, the boy I've had a crush on for years since I got to camp. I look up at him, but he's tackled by a dark shadowy figure. " NO!" I scream

I wake up panting sitting up abruptly. I wipe the sweat off my forehead drying my tears stained cheeks. ' I need a walk' I think to myself. I get up and sneak out of my cabin and invite the harpies. They arnt actually that bad everyone just says they'll eat you or what ever but they ignore me.

I walk along the beach when I trip over something or should I say someone " Katie?! Nope no not gonna happen bye " a voice says I recognise as Travis's what does he mean by that. He gets up and runs away hmmmmmm.

Tomorrow I'll find out what he's doing.

— next day—

I remember last night after Travis I went back to my cabin. I wake up and get ready, I check my cabin for any pranks and surprisingly none. " ok Demeter cabin line up we are heading to breakfast. Line up line up" I order and we walk down. " ok 12345..." I trail off counting the member of my cabin " ok everyone's here Miranda could you hand out everyone schedules?" I ask and Miranda hands out paper. I sit down look at my own.

Two hours of free time
Strawberry fields two hours
One hour knife combat
Curfew ( -A/N sorry if this is not how it works)

Ok pretty good, I finish eating my blueberry pancakes and go to my cabin but on the way I spotted Travis with a bucket and walking to my cabin. I start running but it's to late . I look at my cabin and it's front porch is covered in purple paint " STOLL" I shout and run to him , " ARe you kissing me can I not get a break!?" I shout and him but he only smiles " nope" he grins and I raise my hand " iv had it, why me why my cabin want do you want from me, why do you prank me you think this is some big joke" I shout at him and then I slap him. He stays still and then he has some trouble breathing, " wait Travis are you ok?" I rush " Connor" he chokes. And I yell " CONNOR STOLL TRAVIS IS NOT OK" I yell at the Hermes cabin and Connor slams open the door and we run to Travis. " Travis, stop your not back there remember you at camp not with that witch, you don't have to protect me now see I'm safe your safe" Connor says to Travis shaking his shoulders. " Travis wake up" Connor orders and travis gets out of shock. " Connor?" Travis asks and Connor nods " I need to get back to the cabin" he continues and Connor helps him up. What the heck just happened. Did I cause that? What did Connor mean by witch?

I push my thoughts to the back of my head and go about my day.

——- line break says hi (/>_<\) ——-

It's now dinner and I sit down, I notice Travis fine now and laughing at his siblings. He has that mischievous look in his eye that I love. I mean find ok, before I was worried that he wouldn't turn up after the incident but I guess not. I find myself staring at him, " Katie KATIE" Miranda shouts to get my attention and a few people look over at me. I blush a deep red, " really Miranda and what?" I glare at her, rolling her eyes she responds " I've been trying to tell you, we have new seed, they are water melon so I'm thinking we could make a new section for them...." I stopped listening and ate my food " sound good miranda but you should ask Chiron first" I say and I get up from the table and go to my cabin.

—- line break—-

It's midnight again and I get up out of bed and sneak out. I walk along the beach and spot Travis. I walk behind him and sit down " hi Travis" I whisper and he jumps, " K-Katie uh what are you doing up?" He stutters " I should be asking you the same thing" I retort, and then sigh " well I just wanna say I'm sorry, for what happened sorry if my slap triggered it" I apollogise, " it's ok it's just I get these flashbacks. And it goes back to when I nevermind" He reply's and put a hand on his shoulder " it's ok you can tell me I won't tell anyone" I promise and he looks away. "Travis...." I whisper and I did something I thought I never would. I kissed him, and he kissed back I started to smile against his lips. I pull away " I really like you Katie" Travis blushes and I smile " I really like you too dork, now can you tell me?" I ask gently and he leans on me. " it started when I was 7 before I came to camp, my step dad who we lived with after my Mum died would constantly make us do chores and he hit us-I always took connors beatings because I didn't want him hurt, that's why the flashbacks only happen to me" he explains and buries his head in my shoulder, and I kiss his head and hold his hand. " Travis is ok he can't get you here and me and Connor are always here for you" I comfort and he looks up, and kisses me, this one was so much better than the first. He pulls away and I smile again, he grins, " we are never gonna hear the end of it from Connor and Miranda you know?" I tell him and he only nods. With one last kiss we head are separate ways and off to bed.

A/N ok long chapter I made this up so hope you liked it and sorry I didn't update sooner.
Again hope you liked it as much as I did writing it and

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