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Flower shop AU
Modern AU


"Hey Kitty Kat" Travis' voice echoes through the phone enthusiastically. I sigh, today had been rough and If i see or hear one more person starts singing that stupid song all my customers kept humming I'm going to strangle someone.

I work in a Flower shop and Travis there is my lovely boyfriend, who I'm sure would live to play a prank on me.

"Hello, Travis" I try to sound just as excited while still wrapping flowers.

"Oof, sounds like someone needs cheering up, IM COMING MY FLOWER, UP UP AND AWAYYYY" and the line cuts off.

I roll my eyes and then I notice it the time.

I should close up. I flip the open sign to show closed and make sure to properly water and fix my flowers and then I lock the door in the back.
*knock, knock* my head snaps toward the front door and Travis is standing there drenched and holding a bag. It's not raining....?

"Hey Kitty Kat! I brought a movie and ice cream, you sounded pretty peeved so I put it upon my self to cheer you up" he say proudly, holding a fist to his chest in a prince like manor.

"Why thank you kind sir, but why are you covered in water?" I get out, trying not to laugh.

"I may or may not have fallen into that fountain at the shops" he grins sheepishly, I rolls my eyes and chuck a towel I have on spare in case a flowers spill.

"Ok you dork, we can watch the movie in the back" I grin and suddenly that song starts playing on my radio.

'Doo do doo dooo do dooooooo'

"NO NO, not this song! Connor woke me up to this monstrosity and now must destroy it" Travis yells and turns off the radio. Oh thank gods im not the only one.

"I know right?! Everyone's been singing it or humming it! I honestly thought you would to!" I shout giggling. He grins and picks me up and over his shoulder. "Hey! Put me down" I giggle and he takes my keys unlocking the door I'd locked not even five minutes ago.

"Nope" he grins and I wack his back with my fist and kick a little. " jeez Katie Kat, didn't know you were such a tantrum thrower" he laughs and I only cross my arms.

He chucks me onto the couch and I squeak in surprise. I sit up and glare at him. "Poohead" I pout and wrap myself in a blanket.

"Cutie pie" Travis flirts back and I flush.

He puts the movie int the television. The shop has a small tv and couch for breaks, so sometimes me a Travis stay after shop hours and  chill here since we are still saving money for an apartment.

"What do we have today?" I ask my head tilting. Travis hits play and sits nexts to me.

"Surprise m'lady" he grins and I snuggle into his side.

'Doo do doo dooo do dooooooo' the song plays and he start laughing. Ugh!


A/N I dunno what this one is, I was rushing to update. As before on the last chapter, I'm on writers block and I just haven't been able to come up with anything. PLEASE SEND REQUEST, IF YOU HAVE IDEAS I WILL DO THE BEST I CAN TO WRITE THEM. also if you want me to write on other ships go to my 'Fandom One Shots' book and REQUEST, because it's supposed to be a REQUEST book. So yeah


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